RPG:The Burning Light

cleticyautja, Yautja, 16 years ago

Year: 3639
Date: 15-10

Weyland Yutani Corporation found a powerful new energy source capable of being using as a weapon against their enemies. The Weyland Yutani Corporation with the help of the USMC squad: Alpha Draconis intend to find and capture this source.



Date: 14/11/3639

The humans arrived on the planet.

Date: 30/10/3639

At a research facility on earth Yautja are attacking the facility. After killing everyone, a Yautja finds the plan about the energy source the humans are looking for. Quickly the warrior discovered was to be used as a weapon against them. The Yautjas return to their ships and inform their respective clans on what the humans were up to. They begin their journey, finally arriving at the planet the warriors make sure their landing site is well hidden from the human threat, the Yautja prepared for the hunt.

Date: 3/11/3639

The Dark Blood Organization intercepted a human transmission. The Organization during a previous endeavor was able to capture a small hive of aliens as well as their queen. They arrived and released the aliens near the drop site of both the humans and Yautjas. The Dark Blood Organization planned to let the aliens do the hard work for them, with any luck that would be the case.




->Eliminate the Yautja and Alien Threat.
->Secure and protect the power source.


->Kill the Human and Yautja threat.
->Capture the power source, build a hive at it's location.


->Kill the humans and aliens.
->Destroy the power source.
->Prevent the aliens from building a hive.
->Capture the queen.

concretehunter, Yautja, 16 years ago

I was sent here for my punishment, i had to survive for 2 days, only with a maul on the desert planet of naskara infested with lescramorphs, a muted xenomoroph. i lay cuting out the skulls as i see a glint in the distance, a ship... my ship alongside a fighter.

i took my maul and set off a beacon. as the ships landed i charged at my door and broke through.

"GET OF MY SHIP" as i said it a cheifian approached me
"No need for greaf nexus" i don't want them tocking my ship. i have a connection to this ship,
"we are just giving to you" he said calmly "their is a energy source of amazing proportions, we need you with a clan to go on a..."
"Im not going on a hunt again, last time i went i had a traitor"
"we were well aware of his actions and you exacted him accordingly" he said taking my maul" now we will let you go solo, but... if you find the source do not do anything stupid"
as the men walked of my ship i went to the controls and grabbed a pilot
"What did you do to her"
"nothing concretehunt yet what's with you artificial intelicence and also it keeps asking us questions"
"just get of my ship"
as i closed the door i rubbed the controls and faintly said
"dados home"
i took to corodonates and set of with my ship on auto, nautilus was a ship i got given when i needed to escape a base i modified it and gave it something no other ship has. a mind. when i was stuck in space because of a navigation problem i had a idea, in rewired the ship and gave my blood so it was smart, anyway as i shot of i put my skulls in my shelf and saw the planet with the energy source. let the hunt begin

cleticyautja, Yautja, 16 years ago

As cletic looked up at the orange sky of his home planet he felt relaxed but bored.The humans were becoming very powerful,the xenomorphs were spreading and that made the yautja race very busy.

As cletic went inside he got his helmet and put it on.He finaly found something that just came up a mintue ago.The Humans have located a powerful power source capable of using as a weapon to kill the yautja easily.

"Finaly some fun"But the smile had wiped off the cletic's face when he saw the the planets info.He thought to himself that some race made the power source but why didnt they use it why did they guard it?maybe it was too powerful?Or they dont know how to use it?.

Cletic went into his ship grabbed his weapons,all of them but got a different mask.He wont be taking any more changes it was always his mask that got destroyed but luckly he got a harder one.

As cletic was about to set off he also found out that he was hunting in a clan as he got in the clan ship with other yautjas he looked at the planet they were approching the planet and finaly landing he was put in a group of yautjas,two he already knew Lone hunter2 and stoneheart.

StoneHeart, Yautja, 16 years ago

Stone Heart was already in there, he was putting his bio-helmet on(the one in my signature). He notices the new Predator in their clan come in, Cletic. He walks over and shakes his shoulder, the Predator's way of saying hello to other Predators. He looks down to him, "So, your the new Yautja Xeno Slayer recruited. My name's Stone Heart. He's Lone Hunter, I assume you know what we are going to to the planet for?" He asks him.

Stone Heart walks back over to his table with his weapons. He had the following weapons that he was going to bring with him on his hunt. His Wrist blades, capable of double extending, his dual shoulder Plasma Casters, his 2 medikits, his Gauntlet Plasma Bolt, his Glaive, which he has personalized over the years and it looks like the one the elder Predator gave the woman at the end of AVP. His Ceremonial Dagger, his Wrist mounted Net Gun, capable of firing 4 shots before needing to be reloaded. His Combat Staff, he's had this for a long time, almost since he could fight and it's been fixed to his liking. His Razor Whip, like Wolf had. His Smart Disc and his Shuriken.

Once finished, he walks back over to Lone Hunter and Cletic.

FireHunter, Yautja, 16 years ago

FireHunter bashed at the sides of his cage, he was enraged, being captured was undignified for one of his position. A researcher was nearby, FireHunter stretched out his arm and grasped the creature's arm, he yanked it towards him, the thing's face hit the bars and a yell of pain echoed out from it's mouth. FireHunter was about to splatter it's brains before a trio of electrical shocks burned into his back, making him let go of the blurry creature he had recently attacked. He lunged at the three others who had zapped him with their puny weapons, he roared and a taser went into his face, zapping him again, he roared and rammed the bars, which bent outwards, he did it again, one broke, then two, he pulled one of the guards into his cage and ripped him apart. The others yelled out for the cage master to stun the beast, he did.

Several hours later FireHunter awoke, in a trance like no other, he just heard "we're at the landing zone number 2, drop the cargo" and FireHunter and several others were dropped from the ship, in their cages, roaring, screeching, and hissing.
Each cage plunged down to the ground, making several craters and yet killing none of his brethren. FireHunter broke from his bloody cage, coated in dried blood and growling, he broke the others free from their cages.

concretehunter, Yautja, 16 years ago

As i siped my milkshake i pased my home plannet. and noticed something, a clan ship. well i might as well i was told wait, "the unmistake glory" thats my old clan ship, and thairs that new dude. ah i might aswell.

i whent beside the ship and sent in a transmission,
"Hello Glory this is nexus, remeber"
"nexus"a fuzzy voice said as celtics face came up on screen."ive heard about you your that homocidal maniac.
"Listne im low on fuel and i need to grab my weapons"
"hey guys its concretehunter should i let him on"
"Yes" i heard somoene yell.
as i docked i when into the control to see some old faces.

shadowatching, Yautja, 16 years ago

Shadowatching weiring her usual outfit, never really changed. But, she held a new item; a gun. The finger's danced over the black metal, the head tilted. She took practice in it before she decided, that she was bored enough to leave Wayland clan. The leader wasn't a leader but a dictator, she didn't like that one bit. Instead of killing them all for not a single reason, she just left. She talked to kidd a couple of times, but he turned her down for now. Nikkie asked for her help, her and D.C. a brother of Nikkie's.

She didn't mind, they are honorable creatures after all. Honor comes high in her book, malus and his friends come low on the peg. A sigh crossed her lips as the body shivered, not from the cold but the stretch. Arms moving from her sides, rising up over her head. She yawned again, the eyes closed behind her plain, duel scratched mask. She took a red dye and highlighted the marks, as they cross down over her left eye.

The chest plating snug on her body, she stood on the said planet. Wondering why the yautja was coming, she didn't really listen to the messages. Just more listening for her name really. She would stand down from the honorable yautja. She still felt so twisted about even being alive, the abomination she knew that.

A few box's fell from the sky, on to the ground. Squatting on the nearest building, she made a small home here. She was even a guardian here. It wasn't her home, she can leave at any time. but she felt she needed to be here. The hybrid tilted her invisible head, her hand resting on the edge of the building.

Shadow was finding who she was.

cleticyautja, Yautja, 16 years ago

Cletic looked as the concretehunter walked in.
"so your going solo?"Asked Cletic but no reply came back.He saw concretehunt going into the control room.

A hour later concretehunter left they have finaly landed on the planet as cletic got out from the clan ship he a bit weak,maybe it was because he had been sitting down.As cletic went to a rock he took out his new wrsitblades and started lashing it at the rock.

He heard a roar from the distance he looked up and and saw a large reptile headind for him.Cletic aimed and fired reapeatively at the creature until it was dead.He left it to die.

As he went back to the clan ship he scanned the area,finding humans and xenomorphs,Cletic roared he wasnt expecting xenomorphs.Later he went out,it was night but he found a tunnel of caves and looked at the writing.It made no sense but didnt waste time he went back to the Clan ship to rest and practise.

nikkie_murray, Yautja, 16 years ago

Hunk of junk; Nikkie called her ship. She hit the buttons for the landing gear, with such force that she growled and grunted. She spoke loudly, for who ever was with her to hear, preferably TDN her commander, even Squirt the newest member of the squad. “There is going to be a hybrid, shadowatching†She said as the hand pulled the bar, to slow the ship down before it landed.

Nikkie flipped a knob so she knows, how well the outside of the craft would be. “Looks like we have air†She said turning around to grab her weapons, which leaned in the small cubby behind the seat. “Shadowatching will help us to an extent. We are not to kill her, unless she attacks†Nikkie knew shadow would help, before moving away for her own personal problems. Pushing a strand of black and red hair behind her ear, while the strap of her gun on her shoulder. “TDN†She looked over with her emerald green eyes, “What do you think should be the best plan of action. Should we help Malus and his friends, or shall we do our own and destroy the source?†She wanted her unit to tell her what they thought; Nikkie likes opinions that way they all feel as one, not an individual. “Squirt?†She asked, turning half of the attention to him.

squirt, Yautja, 16 years ago

Squirt closed his eyes as the ship descended. Holding his gun close as he prayed. He never liked the take off or landing. Opening his eyes as Squirt heard Nikkie. "Well it is up to you little lady" He chuckled standing up.

Gaunt, Yautja, 16 years ago

Gaunt was annoyed at what had happened.
He, Firehunter and all his brothers had been captured, Even the queen.
They put him in a tiny box surrounded with an electic feild, From what he could guess they where flying.
But what Gaunt didn't exspect was for his box to suddenly go hurtaling up and down, He didn't know what was going on and could only hear the panicing screams of his brothers.
Suddenly his box hit the ground with a mighty thud!!!.
Gaunt wacked his head on the box and was sent spinning around inside.
He eventally got a grip and just as he was getting his wit togeter the box was torn apart like wrapping paper.
Gaunt looked up with an acheing head, It was firehunter at leaste the leader of the Hive had survived.
Gaunt looked around, Instictivly he ran up to other cagged xenos and started to help them get out of their cages.
He may of only been a chestburster but he was still able to help, After five minutes all of the xenos were free and were gavering around Firehunter, Waiting for orders.

Kirby-Cage, Yautja, 16 years ago

kirby emerged from his cage on the other end of what is a ship he got up and looked around,the other on this end were all dead...he was the only serviovr of the shadow serpents...

StoneHeart, Yautja, 16 years ago

Stone Heart hadn't went out with Cletic, he was practicing with Lone Hunter. He watches Cletic come back, "How was the search? You find anything?" He asks the smaller Predator, having stood up because he was sitting down. He now waited for the asnwer from the young blood, he himself having survived many a hunt before he joined Hunter's Moon.

concretehunter, Yautja, 16 years ago

I took the nautilus and told her to run a scan. humans, xenos, hunters moon. i took my glave and my dual mauls and put them on my back, i was dark and frosty in this black mountin like landscape. i took my music player and staped it i my head. i walked along the rocky ground and whent to the edge and looked down to se 4 young xenomorphs prowling around. i turned on streetlight manifesto. its hammer time.

cleticyautja, Yautja, 16 years ago

Cletic looked at stoneheart.
"Yes,large canivores and..."Cletic hesitated.
"Very old writing in the caves much older than our elders,the species that were here made tha source,im not sure who made it the species must be extinct by now"Cletic then turned to a rock and got out his spear and started destroying it.
"oh,and some how theres xenomorphs on the planet"Cletic said as he took of the top of the rock.
Cletic went inside the clan ship.

StoneHeart, Yautja, 16 years ago

Stone Hert had a puzzled look on his masked face. He stares for a second and then takes off after Cletic, "How are there Xenomorphs here?" He asks him. He then walks over to Lone Hunter, "So we have to find the source, kill the humans, and now kill the Xenomorphs" he said to Lone Hunter.

concretehunter, Yautja, 16 years ago

as i jumped onto the edge i tookmy maul and slashed up a aiens face a kicked it into the wall i took my granade pushed it into the ground ad jumped up grabing the nautilus flying overhead watching the explosion. i got into her and saw ahead of me a large base surounding a pillar with a odd blue glow aroud it. nautilus reads a tunnel leading diecly to it. or i could get mass slaugh... wait blue... oh crap thats a singular photon warp. thes highly unstable. we need to get it and make shure it doest explode.

"Mesage to lone hunter, its a sinular photon warp, i just think you should know and you know what happends when they try and "test" it"

"Ohhhh shit" thats the last i heard on the radio. i guess it got disturbed by the energy. i saw the enerance was cosely gaurded. i had to get into the tunnels.

Kirby-Cage, Yautja, 16 years ago

kirby walked into a forested area.looked around...then out of the brush leaped a mid sized meating beast,but kirby was ready his tail went clean though the skull of the offending beast.kirby looked at his prize and wondered how long its been following him.

kirby ate his fill when he heard another noise he quickly spat a quick glob of acid at the brush when an acid splashed face rose an alien that he knew didnt belong to his clan.it was...CannibalismX

(gonna be gone of 1 week)

Sam-Jack-Dunn, Yautja, 16 years ago

"There it is, just where the beakers said it'd be." A male voice. Australian accent. Sounds a little wistful.

"I don't get it. How is this friggin box going to win the war for us?"

"Honestly? No damn idea. Maybe we're supposed to hit them with it." A female voice this time. Sounds a little lighter than normal, as if she's tryin to make a joke.

"Well OBVIOUSLY you open the box and the weapon will be INSIDE there...but it might be some kinda virus so let's wait until we are far away from it when we open it. What's everyones status?" The first voice again, now with that same joking tone. There's a slight pause.

"All green, Sir. A bit bored, though."

"Don't worry Carmine. You'll get some action soon enough. Someone get that light on, eh?"

A moment of grumbling. Cursing. Then, a slight flick. A blinding flash of artificial light as the floodlights that had been set up kicked in, fully revealing the ruin, and the identity of the people within it. It was...creepy. Almost organic, in a matte-black colour. A large, circular room with absolutely nothing inside, other than a box about a meter square, mounted on a pedastal. Standing around it, was four soldiers in black armour and blue uniform. Mercenaries. Corporate Mercenaries. The yellow and silver patches sewn onto the arms of their uniforms made it clear that they were working for Weyland-Yutani Corporation.

The green glow that had previously been visible in the darkness, pairs of small lights that had signalled the night-vision they were using were now gone, switched off automatically as they were no longer needed. One of the mercenaries, a pale man who's name patch read 'Malus' looked over his armoured shoulder at the room around him. From the way the others were looking slightly towards him, as if for guidance, it was clear he was in charge. "Bloody hell." He says as he noticed a dead alien of unknown origin lying near the box, previously undetected. It's clear from his voice that he is the one that asked about the lights and the status of his fellow soldiers.

"That thing is uglier than you, Carmine." He adds, nodding to one of the other soldiers. The one who had said he was a bit bored. The one called Malus does something that he rarely does. Smiles. "Well, the Marines havn't showed up yet. Lazy fuckers. Looks like we're going to need some lifting gear to move this thing. Carmine, can you get Vev to bring in a lifter for us?" He then turns to look at the newest soldier. The woman who'd spoken earlier. He looked down at his rifle for a moment, checking to make sure the weapon was fully functional, and then looked back up at her. "Righto. Looks like we are going to have to get this thing to the LZ. Come on, we'd best make sure the way is clear. Carmine, your squad is guarding the device. If anything that aint us goes near it, their head is yours. Anita, you're with me."

And with that parting comment, he started to walk away from the box and the pedestal. His boots made little noise on the unknown alien material as he walked, and he heard foosteps behind him that he knew were the rook's. As he neared a tunnel that looked like an exit, he nodded to two soldiers that were currently setting up a turret. Mark and Gene. Those two had done bloody well last mission, and if he had more troopers they would both have been squad leaders as well. Instead, they remained regular soldiers, albeit with a fair few medals. "Good work. Ain't nuthing gunna get to that box with you two here, eh?" He said to them as he passed.

Malus Jay Darkblade. Commanding Officer of this little unit. Hated by most, loved by some. And tolerated by the rest. Once a soldier in the marines, now he was a leader in his own right, and his unit already had an impressive combat record. He knew that was because his soldiers were the best. Looking at the way they went about their business, listening to their chatter, he knew they were professionals. And he was proud of everyone one of them. Of course, a couple hadn't taken part in the Battle for Nuremberg. Anita was one. Then again, she hadn't been on a mission with W-Y yet. That was why Mal was keeping an eye on her. "So, Anita. How do ya like working for money instead of for the government?" He asked casually as they walked past another floodlight, entering the tunnel.

Atin_Fordo, Yautja, 16 years ago

(Hey, uh... I posted in the Discussion Thread to join, Mal just said to go ahead and post here, too...)

It was cold. Incredibly cold. Why in the name of all hell in a nutshell was a weapon that held the key to the destruction of the alien races-- Something he personally would rather do by hand-- looked object that looked like it was no more than a damned box on a pedestal in the middle of nowhere was well beyond him.

So. It starts again, huh?

Then again, it was just as well. He knew a lot about the middle of nowhere. Just, not the one located in space.

His arms and legs were still more than a little sore, but as the lights flickered on, the blue "T-shaped" visor that he now wore was directed in the direction of his Commander. He'd already been keeping track of him on his HUD, but failed to see what he regarded as an ugly piece of shit sitting in the middle of the room.

"What in Death's name is that?" he asked quizzically, hefting his M90 Grenade Launcher so that he had it in his left hand. He looked more like he was an attachment to the gun, as opposed to its owner. He wasn't exactly a man of large stature, "I think we may have found the origins of the Elephant Man." after all. "He was small, but he was like an animal. Only, he made a lot more noise, given he seemed to be constantly making something explode.

He walked up close to the corpse, frowning beneath his helmet as he did so. "You weren't kidding," he said as he brought the launcher up and over his head. He then brought it down hard onto the corpse's face, shattering it inward. He shrugged his armored shoulders, deciding that was one of the day's problems fixed. Besides, it was following rule number seventeen: Make sure they're dead.

"Ten-four, sir." He began walking at a fast pace toward a large hole in the wall that he decided was probably from a battle up in the atmosphere or something. There was a lift outside of it, which they'd left outside to run in and scout it out first.

A few months ago, in what used to be Nuremburg-- It was little more than a smoking crater now-- Darman Carmine, who had little more than the objects he carried currently and absolutely nothing before the mission, had passed his first real mission, and nailed two Alpha hostiles, hotshots of their races, and an uncountable amount of drones. He'd snagged everything he could off of 'em, too, most of which had all gone into the creation of a few new toys attached to his matte black armor.

Well. It SHOULD have been matte black. There were more than a few creepy looking red smears that looked suspiciously like blood.

His frown turned to the ghost of a smile he commonly wore Ironically, in addition to a few fun new toys, Darman Carmine had been promoted to Lance Corporal after the events that took place. Sure, it cost him the use of all his limbs, but he hadn't died. He SHOULD have died, but he was lucky Malus actually gave a flying fuck about his troops, because he hauled his unconscious, bloody mass-- And trophy, to boot-- Out of the sewers. His right arm was especially sore, though.

Yours would too, if you'd had it chewed clean off by an oversized cockroach.

The wind picked up on his greatcoat the second he hit the outside of the ruins, causing it to billow and ripple as the wind ripped through it. The sound of his armored boots thudding against the ground was immediately carried away by the wind, as if it had never happened.

Holy shit. What temperature was it out here?

As he took a good hold on the lift and made an attempt at directing it toward the hole in the wall, he remembered thinking his last mission started off boring, but it sure as hell ended with excitement. He loved the rush, the feelings as he crushed his enemies.

Yet... He had a seemingly insatiable bloodlust.

Now he wanted more.

He'd long since sworn to make these extraterrestrials pay for what they'd done to him, and his vengeance had pushed him hard last time. Apparently, now was a chance at a few bigger targets-- Something he wouldn't pass up. He'd marked his targets. Taking them down was the hard part.

He shook his head quickly to snap out of the daze, amazed that the planet seemed to be in a constant bstate of darkness. But, that could wait, because he had a task at hand. "Alright, Vev, where you at? Need to get this thing inside."

vevlaa, Yautja, 16 years ago

Lima Zulu Alpha (Landing Zone A)

Vevlaa piloted the Waffle while listening to the radio chatter from the surface.
â€ÂHang on tight, we are touching down in 30 seconds†he said over the intercom, to the troopers in the back. Just moments later the ship landed.

“Alright, I want a 360degree defense set up YESTURDAY!†he said to the others via radio as the ship powered down the engines. Vevlaa got up from the pilot seat, and looked at Delta, which were sitting beside him in the cockpit. â€ÂTime to get this party started eh? “ He hit a button, and the main cargo bay opened. Just moments later a APC rolled out, followed by ha handful of men, each carrying heavy fortification equipment.

15minutes later, the base was set up with both long and short range motion trackers in all directions. They were again connected to a complex system of automated turrets and The Waffle. Should anything hostile approach them from the air, they would get a missile or five up their ass!

About then, a message came in: "Alright, Vev, where you at? Need to get this thing inside."
“About time you guys checked in†he replied We’re at Lima Zulu Alpha, coffee is ready! he said and laughed….