16 years ago
(Hey, uh... I posted in the Discussion Thread to join, Mal just said to go ahead and post here, too...)
It was cold. Incredibly cold. Why in the name of all hell in a nutshell was a weapon that held the key to the destruction of the alien races-- Something he personally would rather do by hand-- looked object that looked like it was no more than a damned box on a pedestal in the middle of nowhere was well beyond him.
So. It starts again, huh?
Then again, it was just as well. He knew a lot about the middle of nowhere. Just, not the one located in space.
His arms and legs were still more than a little sore, but as the lights flickered on, the blue "T-shaped" visor that he now wore was directed in the direction of his Commander. He'd already been keeping track of him on his HUD, but failed to see what he regarded as an ugly piece of shit sitting in the middle of the room.
"What in Death's name is that?" he asked quizzically, hefting his M90 Grenade Launcher so that he had it in his left hand. He looked more like he was an attachment to the gun, as opposed to its owner. He wasn't exactly a man of large stature, "I think we may have found the origins of the Elephant Man." after all. "He was small, but he was like an animal. Only, he made a lot more noise, given he seemed to be constantly making something explode.
He walked up close to the corpse, frowning beneath his helmet as he did so. "You weren't kidding," he said as he brought the launcher up and over his head. He then brought it down hard onto the corpse's face, shattering it inward. He shrugged his armored shoulders, deciding that was one of the day's problems fixed. Besides, it was following rule number seventeen: Make sure they're dead.
"Ten-four, sir." He began walking at a fast pace toward a large hole in the wall that he decided was probably from a battle up in the atmosphere or something. There was a lift outside of it, which they'd left outside to run in and scout it out first.
A few months ago, in what used to be Nuremburg-- It was little more than a smoking crater now-- Darman Carmine, who had little more than the objects he carried currently and absolutely nothing before the mission, had passed his first real mission, and nailed two Alpha hostiles, hotshots of their races, and an uncountable amount of drones. He'd snagged everything he could off of 'em, too, most of which had all gone into the creation of a few new toys attached to his matte black armor.
Well. It SHOULD have been matte black. There were more than a few creepy looking red smears that looked suspiciously like blood.
His frown turned to the ghost of a smile he commonly wore Ironically, in addition to a few fun new toys, Darman Carmine had been promoted to Lance Corporal after the events that took place. Sure, it cost him the use of all his limbs, but he hadn't died. He SHOULD have died, but he was lucky Malus actually gave a flying fuck about his troops, because he hauled his unconscious, bloody mass-- And trophy, to boot-- Out of the sewers. His right arm was especially sore, though.
Yours would too, if you'd had it chewed clean off by an oversized cockroach.
The wind picked up on his greatcoat the second he hit the outside of the ruins, causing it to billow and ripple as the wind ripped through it. The sound of his armored boots thudding against the ground was immediately carried away by the wind, as if it had never happened.
Holy shit. What temperature was it out here?
As he took a good hold on the lift and made an attempt at directing it toward the hole in the wall, he remembered thinking his last mission started off boring, but it sure as hell ended with excitement. He loved the rush, the feelings as he crushed his enemies.
Yet... He had a seemingly insatiable bloodlust.
Now he wanted more.
He'd long since sworn to make these extraterrestrials pay for what they'd done to him, and his vengeance had pushed him hard last time. Apparently, now was a chance at a few bigger targets-- Something he wouldn't pass up. He'd marked his targets. Taking them down was the hard part.
He shook his head quickly to snap out of the daze, amazed that the planet seemed to be in a constant bstate of darkness. But, that could wait, because he had a task at hand. "Alright, Vev, where you at? Need to get this thing inside."