

Species Xenomorph
Rank 80
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Registered 17 years ago

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(SPOILERS) Alien: Covenant Discussion

created: FireHunter, Xenomorph, 7 years ago, 13 replies
last post: 7 years ago

May 2017, Alien Covenant or New Film Entirely?

created: FireHunter, Xenomorph, 8 years ago, 3 replies
last post: 8 years ago

The Flayed Bodies, Food or Warning?

created: FireHunter, Xenomorph, 11 years ago, 12 replies
last post: 11 years ago


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The Predalien is a large, bulky creature, and possesses physical strength greater than that of human-spawned aliens.
Like human-born aliens, it is also shown to be stronger than its host species.


Claws are used to quickly slash at your enemy. It also is used to interrupt opponents who are about to perform a Heavy Attack on you. Blocking can also be used to block another player's Light Attack from hurting you.
Tail Attack
Use your tail to strike your enemy. It's slower than Claws but it does a lot more damage. It also stuns your opponent so you could finish them off with a few fas attacks. Your tail can reach surprisingly far so a good way to use it from the ceiling. You can also break through an opponent's block with your Tail whereas you can't with your Claws.
Sprint increases your speed for a short duration. It's best used to gain terrain on an enemies, or as an escape method.
Health Regeneration
Automatically regenerate health when not being attacked. If you get drawn into battle, don't be afraid to retreat to a safe place to regenerate and find a different strategy.
Stronger Exoskeleton
Fire-Retardant Secretions
Enhanced Pheromone Detectors
Increased Strength


Name: FireHunter

Age: Unknown

Height: 13'10 (Current, subject to change)

Weight: 7,000kg/7 tons


FireHunter is a hulking menace of a Xenomorph, surprisingly fast for a creature of its size, although due to its weight, it cannot jump long distances. This creature often conspires with other Xenomorphs and throws itself at the enemy, distracting them with its size and destructive capabilities, and allowing its smaller, less resilient brethren to creep up and snatch targets in the confusion. It is cunning, ancient, and patient. Standing just over 4 metres tall, it looms over just about everything in its path and lacks the stealth capacity of its brothers and sisters, however it knows how to use shadows to its advantage.

Its consciousness has passed from Hive to Hive over generations, being born from new hosts every time it is killed, though whether this rebirth is immediate or a hundred years later depends on something beyond the creature's control. It remembers everything, and its terrible ancient knowledge has outlasted many physical bodies.

