Lets start by saying I am not a cross over fan. In fact the only reason i got this one was because I recieved it as a crhistmass gift. On a boring Sunday afternoon I finally opened it up and found it wasnt half bad.
The first thing I noticed was the art. Superb job, by far osome of the best inking I have seen. The termanators, the aliens and the predators look great. The ships in alien reseruction form are well down.
The story, well Ellen Ripley is found by Call and her little band of merry men. The reason they come a knocking? Call has found a space station has been folling around with alien DNA. hus they are sent in to elimante the threat.
Turns out the people operatin are Termanators who were sent into the future/past/whatever and are now making stronger, better termantors.
After a nice fight Ellen Ripley is abducted by the predators and she fights with them. In the end the termantors are defeated, the aliens are all killed, and the predators die as well. The winners? Guessed it yet? The little band of Call's merry men, with 5 or 6 of them left.
Story? Good one. Nice incorperation of the Termantors into it and the predatorrs plaing the galaxy police. Overall, I give the story a 5/5 stars. Great read.
The comics were great in general
The comics were great in general. Loads of good action. Funny diologue. Bloody battle scenes. It was very enjoyable to read and see how they fit each serie\'s storylines together. Worked out perfect. For a crossover I give it a 4/5.