16 years ago
I'd like to see Tom Cruise's Punny ass in predator 3.
The setting is a small town in South America, Were he does missions work. He falls in love with some little teenage Latin girl. Everything seems to be going good, when suddenly, Tom cruise wakes up in the middle of the night with the feeling that someone is watching him, He looks over to the little doorway to the outdoor balcony and sees a Predator perched there on the railing, watching him. The predator soon leeps off and disappears. The next day, 'Ol tommy boy goes blabbing around to all his village frinds about what he saw and some little old woman starts flipping out with all these stories of when she was a young girl and how a bunch of farmers were found strung up by there ankles with no skin left. Soon after, some local banditos or soldiers or something down there move into the village and take it over, All raping the woman and such, stealin there food, And that night, as the majority of them are partying, The predator moves in and starts taking out the guards, and we get to watch a good 'ol fashion hunt. Mean while, Senor Cruise is in an old jail cell for trying to defend the city from the invaders, and the predator moves through, killing all the guards, but leaving him alive because killing a trapped foe would be dishonorable. The cruiseinator gets the kays somehow, and breaks out in time to see the predator enter the party hall and start killing. He sees his wife run out of the place, as she had been taken as one of there servants, and she gets blasted by a stray plasma caster bolt. Now Mr.Tom is pissed and decides to go after the predator. So now the predator is stalking the soldiers as prey while Tom tries to follow him. A bunch of the soldiers run into the jungle, and the fight continues there and finally Tom cruise and the predator have a good old fashion showdown, remeniscant of the one from predator 1, only one little difference, this time at the end, Tom Cruise gets caught by the predator and is about to be killed but is suddenly shot in the back of the head by something and falls to the ground dead. As Tom cruise stumbles to his knees he looks up to see a very aged Dutch (Cameo by Arnold) Who looks down at the predator and Says "Got you again you ugly sonuvabitch!" Roll Credits. I'd pay to see that.