the rock instead of schwarzenegger

predator_wolf, Undefined, 17 years ago

hi i have read that maybe the rock will be the new schwarzenegger and maybie he will come in the predator 3 and terminator do you peopøle want him to be the new schwarzenegger

alien-drone, Undefined, 17 years ago

no not really

The-Wolf, Undefined, 17 years ago

Every time I hear that idea, or even casting other chessy "actors" such as John Cena, it just makes me want to cry.

DeathWraith, Undefined, 17 years ago

John Cena would be good in Van Dam movies or so, but he better stick to wrestling... The Rock is very good for comedy movies, he's great in those actually... I wonder how someone like Jack Nicholson would fit in a leading role in AvP3...

PredatorClan, Undefined, 17 years ago

I dont think that he will do good being face 2 face with the predator if there is predator 3

The-Wolf, Undefined, 17 years ago

Jack Nicolas wouldn't do so great. He's dying. *tears*

black_warrior, Undefined, 17 years ago

I dont ever want The Rock in a Predator movie, he's good for certain movies but Predator, Alien, or AVP movies arent gonna go well with him. Same with John Cena.

Although i would love to see Jack Nicholson in AVP3-

*Predator and Alien fighting in a room*

*Jack Nicholson bashes door with ax and sticks head in the hole*

"Here's Johnny...."

btw, Cory, i think your thinking of the Golf Player.

The-Wolf, Undefined, 17 years ago

You could be right but I heard thats what "The Bucket List" was all about. The new Jack Nicolas movie. Either way, he's old as dirt to play the lead role in a A/P movie. You need someone young and heroic and or becomes heroic.

Deathdrop, Undefined, 17 years ago

^ Or you could do something different with it and have a really old Predator hunt a really old human hunter or something like that. Both are afraid of getting old and becoming "useless", which could prompt the human's return to some battlefield or jungle as well as the Pred's return to Earth. In the end, they both wind up hunting each other and die honorably near one another, each equally respecting the other and feeling fulfilled.

Or something like that.

black_warrior, Undefined, 17 years ago

@Cory: Jack Nicholson isnt dieing atleast from my knowledge, and neither is Morgan Freeman, they are both in "The Bucket List."
I dont think the golf player is dieing either, i just figured you got the name Nicholas(actor) and Nicklaus(Sp?)(golfer) mixed up because they sound similar.(btw, incase anyone asks, im not a golf fan)

@ DD: That idea sounds good, I just had a long-ish post prepared for my response but it wouldnt make sense. You couldnt put Glover or Schwarzenegger back in since they are both considered honored by the predator race(or just that clan) for even defeating a predator. plus Arnold's character Dutch was supposed to die a few weeks after the events of the first Predator right?

so yeah...

Karo, Undefined, 17 years ago

lol yeah, we would want the rock in predator 3 cuz he is such a good actor lol hahahahahahahahaha omgomgomg

delta-boy, Undefined, 17 years ago

he might be older now but bring back micheal biehn i say !!!!

The-Wolf, Undefined, 17 years ago

I know but I heard thats why they made the movie because Jack was dying. Thats just what I heard, don't quote me on that.

Deathdrop, Undefined, 17 years ago

I don't know where you heard that, but it's not true.

Drakon, Undefined, 17 years ago

After watching the Rock play in "Doom" I am willing to give him a chance.

DeathWraith, Undefined, 17 years ago

Doom was worse than AvP, so no...

predator_wolf, Undefined, 17 years ago

what ! omg i thik the rock will fitt in predator 3 ass the new schwarzenegger

Kidd, Undefined, 17 years ago

I have seen the movie 'Doom,' once, and I have watched my friends play the game multiple times too. Hell, I did not know one thing about the game but I did help one of my friends to defeat the boss.
Anyway, that movie was great. A little dark here and there and it the first-person shooter style that put in the movie was exellent. The actors who played in the movie were great too.

The evironment was perfect too. You're in a futuristic world, in dark corridors, fighting an alien infestation or plague, whatever it is.

I do wish that the directors would just stop making movies in a timeframe between the two franchise and go into the furture where the USCMC is combating the two races. There, no one will have to worry about 'contridicting' the two movies.
AVP and AVPR are on the edge of contridicting the Alien Saga, or perhaps they already did... But yea, Doom's evironment would be the perfect setting for the AVP Saga, but it is too late for it now.

Now, what I think about the actors? Ok.
Really, thanks to AVP, the Predator Saga is pretty much destroyed. They have to go into the future now to have another Predator movie, and I don't think guys with muscles will do it. I don't think anyone can do it.
If the movie is set in the future, then I think Dewayne Johnson can pull it off in the Predator 3.

If memory serves me well, I do recall if they do make a Predator 3, Dewayne's character will be the son or decendent of Arnold's character, Dutch. I say,"Bad Idea."

daveberg, Undefined, 17 years ago

Ok, got to jump in on this, Doom was far better than AVP in almost everyway, better cast, better characters, just plain better.

And the Rock? He's underrated. He's actually a very talented actor.

The-Wolf, Undefined, 17 years ago

That doesn't explain why its a complete peice of shit and that I'm more likely to watch more of AvP than the first 5 minutes of Doom. I hate both movies but I'd rather watch AvP.

DeathWraith, Undefined, 17 years ago

Even Doom 1 had a better storyline than the movie, and the thing with "angels" and "demons" that they transformed into extraterestrials... well that sucked... DOOM WAS ABOUT HELL!!! Doom 3 is one of the 3 games that scared me enaugh to have problems going to sleep. The other two games are FEAR and FEAR - Extraction Point. And the movie DOOM... was WORSE than AvP in every way. The ONLY good thing in that movie was the BFG. While AvP had more than one good things in it (queen, fight scenes, masks). Now i like the Rock as an actor, he was very good in most movies i've seen him, but the bad guy role in Doom didn't fit him at all, and i wouldn't wanna see him in a Predator movie either. Imagine HIM saying "GET TO DA CHOPPA!!!"