12 years ago
Deathdrop sonic screwdrivers the shit out of the TARDIS, causing it to crash-land on Mars, where space gorillas beat the overloving shit out of Bloo. Meanwhile, Deathdrop enters "Bob's Irradiated Wildlife Emporium" to get bitten by a radioactive beaver, granting him the proportional strength, speed, and tree-chewing ability of the previously-mentioned aquatic mammal.
Using his super dam-building powers, Deathdrop assembles a massive wall of logs around the North Pole, leaving Santa with no option but to magically summon the skull in order to satiate Deathdrop AKA The Cleaver Beaver.
The Cleaver Beaver, holding the skull aloft, issues a challenge:
"Anyone who wants this skull will have to win it from me... IN A STEEL CAGE!!!"