12 years ago
By calling the avengers, ragnarok has opened the gate to the comic world itself. There, Mebber was lurking for quite awhile, drinking cocktails, playing bingo with the many not-so-successful comic figures who never reappeard after their premiere sucked, and, of course, constructing a weird comic-version of Frankensteins Monster. This monster is composed of parts from every comic book villain ever inventend, looks like an orb of snot (well, the only "parts" avaiable were the villains' snot) and is called Lil' Gloo Bob.
While the Frankensnot Gloo-Bob smashes the avengers and ragnarok aswell, and does all those things to the world villains like to do, Mebber grabs the skull from ragnaroks remains and leaves for the next best coffeehouse still intact to celebrate his victory with a nice cappuccino.
My Skull!