Perhaps they are for the most part all brought up with a strong sense of honor it just really does vary from one to another. Think of some examples DD brought up once before, Scar let Weyland with a climbing axe go due to illness yet City Hunter blew away an old lady with a mini handgun. And then with all these senses of honor and not killing unarmed non-threats, Berserker killed without mercy or care.
The treatment of females is completely unknown, Yautja could see them as useless breeders because they remain on the homeworld safe and away from any action, or perhaps due to the fact they keep them home and safe they consider them to be precious and sacred.
What if they breed mostly Males? And the Females are a rarity? Like on average there's only 1 female born for every three males? unlike humans who are half and half? But I doubt that.
I'm thinking they see them as more sacred things to be kept safe, because in spite of DD's long list of reasons as to why Yautja are pricks they seem too strict and honorable to see them as lesser beings as opposed to sacred, plus lets not forget Lianna (I think it was) in Predator 2, City Hunter let her go even after she had a handgun entirely due to pregnancy. Pregnancy isn't a sickness obviously (Like Weyland) so other than the fact the Unborn child is defenseless and an unworthy kill in a sense, perhaps that's when he realized "This Human is Female, and currently breeding, she is sacred."
I never really thought about this but I think that of all things them seeing them as sacred is definetly more likely. Despite the novels that claimed them to insult females as "breeders" and seeing them as pathetic underlings, I don't count Novels and Comics as canon so I see females as sacred.
And simply due to the fact that each of them all show very different personalities and ideas as to what's honorable and what's not, and having calm Yautja like Scar, and more angry ruthless killers like Berserker, they all seem to be very different and seem to hunt as such.
These things are why I like Yautja.
And I always put too much thought into these things, mainly Yautja in general.