Army National Gaurd

Kidd, Human, 16 years ago

This Kidd is all green to go to join the Army National Gaurd. All I have left is to swear in and get my Basic Training out of the way.
One step close to obtaining my dream of joining the US Military. Something that I always been wanting to do.

outcast, Human, 16 years ago

Good for you Kidd.

DeathWraith, Human, 16 years ago

If there's one thing the US needs, that is more military! Horray for you!

shadowatching, Human, 16 years ago

As I told you over the phone, please be careful and be safe. I will keep in contact with your luff.

Sam-Jack-Dunn, Human, 16 years ago

Good luck mate. I expect a Medal of Honour to be yours be the time I next speak to ya.

Nah, jus kiddin mate. Best of luck, and congrats. One step closer to meetin me in Afghanistan.

concretehunter, Human, 16 years ago

Wow the militry dude thats awsome. i hope you get in and kick some ass. oh but watch russia they eat babys as we know from modern pop culture

alien-drone, Human, 16 years ago

good luck

cleticyautja, Human, 16 years ago

good luck kidd.

TDN, Human, 16 years ago

Wow, congrats Kidd. While we're here playing Marines you actually had the guts to become one, and I applaud that. Good luck man, as it's not going to be easy.

Gaunt, Human, 16 years ago

Well good luck buddy, Take care of your self and for fill your dreams.


FireHunter, Human, 16 years ago

good luck, Kidd, that fight in the Sparring Room is gonna have to wait to witness your death lol

black_warrior, Human, 16 years ago

congratulations Kidd. Im glad your coming closer to what you want to do in life.

-Bloo-, Human, 16 years ago

All I have to say is, congratulations, man. Best of luck to you.

Kidd, Human, 16 years ago

Heh, to tell you all the truth, I'll be a Grease Monkey. I'll be fixing up the HUMVEEs and Duece-and-a-Halves. Light Vehicles really, but if I get shipped off over to Knox, that is where I get to learn how to fix those heavy armors. Leonardworth is the home to Light Mechanics.

vevlaa, Human, 16 years ago

Well, good luck, and welcome to the military way of life!

StoneHeart, Human, 16 years ago

Congrats mate on getting in, hope you like it.

Peterson, Human, 16 years ago

Good luck man i would suggest looking at the Marines bro... but i am no recruiter just a lowly E-2 so good luck bro Glad to see more people stepping up to the call!

PFC Peterson USMC

MaxFate, Human, 16 years ago

All right. Best of luck and if you can paint something for us. Take a picture and show it to us I think everyone would love to see it. Any way I know you will do a good job.

Kidd, Human, 15 years ago

I just got back from Montegomery Alabama people and I now have a date in which I'll be leaving you good fellas.

I'll be leaving on May 18th and after that, I'll be gone a good twenty-two weeks. I have Basic Training over in Jacksonville South Carolina and my Mechanic School in Maryland.

Boy, I am so freakin' excited. Now, I can get out of this dead-end job, go to college and make a better life for myself. Oh yea, I just can't wait. LMAO!

shadowatching, Human, 15 years ago

Good luck

cleticyautja, Human, 15 years ago

well i guess i'll say good luck.