

Species Human
Rank 10
Level Member
Registered 16 years ago


BOOK 1: As far back as this man can recall:CH 1
(work room, doors open, and Max is holding a M-4A4 pistol)
Max woke in a base blood was on the floor on and on the wall. bodyies sat on the floor with the cest's burtsed open. he could hear sceams and roars with a gun this man was ready to kill. suddenly a black horror came in the door dark skined, sharp claws, a long tail with a sharp end, a larg mouth what looks like a little mouth inside it, and a oval head. It roared at him max raised his pistol and shot it in the head. Another came in max shot again another head shot. The door shut max looked out the window to see a UD-4L Cheyenne Dropship he jumped out the window on to some bodies max got up covered in blood he ran to the ship more of those black monsters came he shot them in the head. He got on the ship shut its bay doors got in to the cockpit started it up. Then one jumped on the window max hit the gas the monster fell off and max was out of there. "Finaly I can rest" said max as the dropship went in to space.
------------------------------------------------------The crash:CH 2 (Crash dropship, in cock pit, has his M-4A4 pistol) Max woke up to be in a crash ship he couldn't remember what happened. He put his hand on his head then toke it off quickly to find blood on it then a flash back on the base {"Hi Max what up man" Max looked up to see his friend Jack Claw "I'm fileing the weapon papers." Max looked down. Jack looked at him in a strange way "What papers?" Max looked up "You know the one for the new Exosuit I'm geting." "What you're, going to get, lucky!" "No not reely."} Max snaped out of it unbucked himself from the seat got up and saw a M-4A4 pulse rifle on the wall he grabed it and got out of the dropship.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Geting lost: CH 3 (out side of crashed dropship, sand and rock every where, planet:UNKNOWN, Time:UNKNOWN, Life on planet:UNKNOWN)Seeing nothin Max started to walk with the pulse rifle hiting his side on every step. Max walk for an hour hitting the ground from dehighdation. Max was thirsty he had't had water when he crashed. Looking up a spark of hope an outpost geting up and starting to run Max had never been this happy. geting in to the outpost a water bottle sat in front of the door Max was going to go for it but stoped. Max thought to himself (why is the a water bottle full of water siting in front of a door) he started to back up. "FREEZE!" someone was pointing a gun at his back. Max couldn't see who it was. Was Max going to get shot?-----------------------------------------------------Leo: CH 4 coming soon
_____________________________________ __________________________
Gear: Battledress Utilities, M10 Ballistic Helmet, M3 Personal Armor, Shoulder Lamp, Infa-Red Lens, Comm-Link, Locator
______weapons:combat knife, VP 70 Pistol, MedKit _______That's all that's needed. Job: medic & tech Max.jpg


Max.jpg _______ SIR! YES! SIR! _______