PapaSmurf, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

dude if i could draw half that good i would love my self my pred alien is crap i.e. a stick with a long head and tail so kudos on the awesome pic

TITANOSAUR, Xenomorph, 17 years ago


ScarredShadow, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

Great work mate I really like your drawings. On your U.S.S Bosinita topic I looked at your deviantart profile your very talented. Keep up the great work.
Yeah I draw but I ain't half as good as you I mostly draw Predator stuff I might post it some day but I don't know. Great work "thumbs up"

TITANOSAUR, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

glad you like it.

Secret_Hero, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

For what I meant in "overuse" word is an expression of the "not good enough / not good". Does the Pred-Alien in the AVP: Extinction have a hair just like the Preds? No, it doesn't have. But as a comment, your drawing is good.

TITANOSAUR, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

ah ok.

so you mean my Predalien designes are better then thoughs in AvP-R and AvP: Extinction.

02121992, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

no contest way better than avpr but i don't know what a predalien from avp extiction looks like.

Secret_Hero, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

Yes, you totally understand my opinion, TITANOSAUR.

Now, 02121993, play the AVP:Extinction game, then you'll know what am I talking about. If you want to see the picture now, then here it is:

Even though it has hairs, just look clearly at it's head, it's just plain and simple. Than the Pred-Alien in AVP:R.

02121992, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

i thank you secret-hero.

predator428, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

Actually, that predalien is from the game Alien vs Predator 2:Primal Hunt. This is the one form Extinction. Sorry about the quality, this is the only picture I could find. He is on the bottom right.


02121992, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

is he the bigger one?

Secret_Hero, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

Could you make the picture bigger?

TITANOSAUR, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

yeah the one in Extinction isn't that impressive if you ask me. it looks like a cross between a crab and a raptor, with the Hunters (HALO) spikes shooting out of its back.

02121992, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

i'll try to play it if i can ever get the game.

TITANOSAUR, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

its for PS2 and XBOX. as far as I know anyways. its a good game when you don't have anything else to do. I personaly think it should have been for PC. then you'll have Multiplayer and costum maps. and the Population Cap is horrible. bring that sonava bitch up to 200. be good for PSP too.

02121992, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

that's another thing on my to get list.

TITANOSAUR, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

I still haven't gotten the chance to color the picture.

02121992, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

looks great without the color, just imagine with the colors.

TITANOSAUR, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

btw, its not gonna be colored like the AVP-R Predalien. I like it to have a dark tonned skin.

02121992, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

sounds awesome. good luck.