
TITANOSAUR, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

The Predalien Monster

yet again I redesigned the Predalien. this time giving her a smooth dome like the Original Alien. and new tail design.

I have also put the dorsal pipes the same look as my other Predalien design. but givin an updated look.

the Tail design was takin from refrence of the Original Aliens tail, but with the under part givin my own look.

the feet are givin only two toes, and legs are long like other xenomophs for speed.

finaly, her standing hieght is 10 ft tall.

the Colored version

The Predalien In Color

02121992, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

man that's the best predalien i've seen in along time. for instance:

1. the head looks awesome because of the dome.

2. the tail looks awesome.

3. good call with the dorsal tubes.

4. it looks AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TITANOSAUR, Xenomorph, 17 years ago


just like the Bosinita, I plan to color the Predalien.

Champ, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

you have waaaay to much time on your hands

TITANOSAUR, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

um, ok?

Secret_Hero, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

Well, the drawing you have now in your first post, TITANOSAUR, is good. But, the body and especially the face are still having some overused costume effects. But the drawing is smooth and good.

TITANOSAUR, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

What do you mean by Overuse?

predalien45, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

predalien kicks ASS!!!!!!!!

predalien45, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

avp 2 pc 2001 online plz:(

TITANOSAUR, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

OK? that last one made little to no sence. to me anyways. make some sence.

02121992, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

it still looks awesome.

TITANOSAUR, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

yeah, I still don't understand the "Overused Costum Effects" part. I just draw what I think it should look.

02121992, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

i say its freaking AWESOME!!!!

TITANOSAUR, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

thanks. alot of people refer this version to this one Photobucket

and this one Photobucket was done years before, but as of yet it remains the oldest in design.

02121992, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

god that looks AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!

TITANOSAUR, Xenomorph, 17 years ago


OOPS! I forgot to mention all these Predalien pictures shows a drone, not a Predalien/Queen.

02121992, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

could have fooled me.

TITANOSAUR, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

basicly why the head is short, also because as I said earlier posts, that it was in the design that the head be short.

02121992, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

yeah looks a lot better than the predalien/queen.

TITANOSAUR, Xenomorph, 17 years ago


02121992, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

no problem that's what i'm here for.