celtic102, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

Celtic ran back to GENFC DEATH and with his claws Celtic Fearlessly cut his arm off. GENFC DEATH shouted and screamed. Celtic was about to kill him until hicks shot Celtic with his gun. Thankfully it hit his armour and Celtic ran off to escape the Xenos and watch the marines perish before him

My Horror Site

Unknown, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

~shadowblade grunted as he hoisted the heavy hunter high into the trees. Streams of green blood ran down the back of the rogues head from the final attack that TD had bestowed upon him, half his dreadlocks had been scourched to nothing. Shadowblade had made his example. TD was dead and now it was time to continue the carnage. Swiftly, the master rogue switched through his vision fields and took a thorough observation of the surrounding area, A huge hole was in the floor about 250 yards ahead, must have been where quickslash and that xenomorph had taken their fight, The smell of acid and corroded steel was sickening.

Just as shadowblade appeared to move on, something caught his eye. Up there, past them trees.......

i can smell your fear.

Ancienthunter, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

AncientHunter was lost in the depths of some organic garden or forest that the humans have mad that was long and wide as my eyes can see and i knew i was on the top floor cause my pod landed around the top or 2nd floor but i saw a lot of birds and exotic animals that i only heard of and though were fantasies from my father when he use to go hunt on Earth but sadly died by a brave warrior that was named Dutch or something but he told me this When i was a just liitle kid going to training school. like huge feline cats like with spots on them 4 of them i saw just as i walked in and were purring and growling looking as if they were ready pounce on cause they look as if they haven't ate for ages so i quickly lashed out my two wristblades and slashed at the first one that charge at me and i guted it in the stomach it gave aloud roar in pain then i thruogh at the others cause it was funny then but just as i killed them another two were on both sides of me trying to take me down i quickly took out my combatstick and did avery quick and percise 360 turn and teard them to shreds one of them i slashed its face off an alot of blood their and the other i was able to chop both of its front feet and i laughed at it strugling in its own pool of blood the last , but the feline i saw standing their with hate and hunger written in it's eyes. this one was about three times bigger and stronger than the other 3 and was worth a prized skull to but in my trophy room, so i decide to fight without my weapons just my long nails and fists,this feline was allot faster too because before i knew it was on me and i was struggling to get it off me and it was heavy I'd say it weight wt about 400 pounds and i was holding its neck back as his paws and moyh were at full rage trying to kill me where it was slashing at my biceps and chest we were rolling around alot when i finaly got on top of it i stab my hand right truogh its stomach and teared it up to its chest and died instantly well i was hungry so i had some liver while i was at it then i just ripped off its head and hung around my waist then took some medicine to clean up the wounds i had from the battle then i quickly started looking aroend to see if i could find anyone or some softmeat like i wanted but awwell he knows if i even make throgh the day but as long as i died with honor like my father did thats fine with mecause i dont want to bring shame upon my family name.....

(all acid proof armor)2Writsblades,comitstick(Acidproof),2shurikens,Smart Disc(Acid Proof),speargun,plasmacaster,Sword,Remotebombs, netgun,cermonial dagger,and 2elder daggers(acidproof,and there from Pred2) with Medkit and wrist computer and all vision modes on Helmet with laser ponters and energy Recharger

Iseijin, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

*Iseijin reared on her hind legs and let out a deafening shriek, her front talons clawing the air as a display oression, before landing back on all fours; her spine rigid and head pointed arrow-like in the Predator's direction. The Xenomorph placed herself in front of the humans, almost protectively; creating a living barrier between her drug-carriers and the unwelcomed yautja Hunter. Veins could be visible protruding from the softer areas of her flesh: around her lips, down her neck, and over her muscles and base of tail. They contracted then quickly expanded with each powerful heartbeat as each breath let out a cascade of drool dripping from her mouth, forming a pool of the clear liquid at her feet.

*The Xenomorph bounded a couple of strides before jumping into the air, shrieking a deafening sound to those that hear it, the yautja Hunter in front as her target. Iseijin quickly positioned her hind legs in front of her head, tail outstretched behind her for balance, and hit the Hunter square into his chest creating a sickening thud.

*The force of the impact knocked them both back. Iseijin managed to twist her body around like a cat’s and land on her feet to recuperate her balance before she hit the ground. The Hunter still held steady on his feet, albeit severely ached in the evidence of his slightly bent body position. She growled at the lack of damage her attack created.

*The muscles within Iseijin’s exoskeleton began to ache. Lightly at first, then the pain slowly increased. Iseijin bobbed her head in pain, still keeping her eye on the Hunter who dared to attack her human drug-carriers. She could feel the muscles contract, then quickly expand, causing a painful stretching sensations similar to a feeling of cramping due to excessive exercise. Yet Iseijin had been employed to do far more punishing tasks on her body and still come out unscathed. Her muscle mass increased right before the eyes of everyone else - both the humans and the Hunter - stretching out her tendons to almost impossible limits as her breaths increased in efforts in order to accommodate the oxygen needs of her body. This unknown source of discomfort roused an inexplicable anger within her. An anger worse than the ones she experienced under normal circumstances. An anger that could only be satiated with blood.

*And once the threat to the humans was eliminated then the reward would come to her.

*Iseijin gathered herself for a second attack then leapt for him, claws extended, ready to dig her taloned nails into his flesh...

Unknown, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

-topslice was hurt, badly, not only was he half blind now, but his ribs were cracked from the impact of the fall, he slowly tried to get up, but his legs failed him. He spat out one last roar at TD as he approached, wristblades fully exteded.

TD beat his chest as the huge hunter prepared to strike down the incapacitated topslice, a last attack, topslice pulled his smart disk and with great pain, lunged forward and crunched the weapon into TDS abdomen. Blood sprayed everywhere in a glorious fountain, but with this, TD began to fall in the direction of topslice, wristblades still at the ready.....

shadowclan are the bringers of your demise

Avier7777, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

They had not stopped. Avier was hurt badly. The blade had slashed deeply into his side. He crawled towards K20A2. He jumpped at him, hoping to incapacitate him, he would not go near the HIVE.

Avier missed K20 again, he was playing with him. Avier hissed, so this was how he would die. At the hands of a pedator, he hated it. The station would be theirs, Avier was sure of it, the predators had been pushed back, the humans were all but defeated.

There was perhaps one or two humans left, the predators slowly dwindling numbers began to betray them. But they would not pull back, until they were all dead. And Avier would see that K20 did not leave un hurt.

K20 seemed to be donbe playing, he was bored. He lifted his wrist blade high, and Avier lept at him. He kncocked K20 backwards, hisssing as he heard the arm crack and break. Avier puncjed more holes into the broken arm wuth his inner jaw.

Then the blade struck the side of his head, the sharp edge comeing clean through. Avier was dead before he could slump down unto K20's broken and now useless arm. K20 stood, roared in pain and honor, and continued on his hunt.

Think? Why think! We have computers to do that for us.

caboose3456, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

caboose lifted his head.he had escaped the labs the humans put him in.he looked around the room.it was small with blue and white tiles on the floor and a flikering lightbulb that annoyed the runner so much he smashed it with his tail."i must find the others"he thaought.he senced xenos right and left.he also knew he could'nt stay in one place for long.he found an air duct just big enugh for him to squeeze through.

Goodbye pinkie toe...YOU SHALL BE AVENGED

Nick_Kang_20, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

the xenomorph caught up with celtic102 again (ok we 3 r not dead coz a mod delted celtics killing aliens post) and started to leap at him for the third or fourth time breaking celtic's legs in the process he knew wat was gonna happen to him he was gonna die without his legs but he wouldnt give up he wanted 2 live so he took out his speargun intending to kill the aliens quick but the alien (me) whip the gun away with his tail and whipped celtic accross the face and head bit him and dat is the end of celtic102...

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

The Xenomorph (My first DIY HTML site)

scar774, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

scar watched as solo pred examined the footprints. he walked over and began following the trail. he stopped when he stepped in a podle of goop. he looked down and saw a shadow pass over him. he sensed something behind him. he leaped to the left just as a xeno's tail went past him. had he not moved, he be dead. he grabbed his scyth and cut off its tail. the xeno screamed in pain and retreated into the ventalation system.

do you know the muffin man?....... i ate him, so GET TO DA CHOPPA

The_Reverand, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

Standing Gaurd at the end of the mess hall I waited for TDN and Hicks to go over the information we found on the bodies.
Xenomorphs, F***ing fantastic, I'd seen them in training and what not, but never had I actually gone into combat with one, I'd Heard the stories of previous encounters, I was both nervous and eager to kick some bug but. Vengance for my fallen comrades will be had. and that vengance is Me.
I stood outside the doors watching everything, the guys inside the messhall were organising something the were gathered together talkin, I stayed my post. I knew something bad was gunna happen, so If it was I'm gunna be bloody well ready for it.
The Corridor led down about 50 metres then split off into two different sections.
The walls were a dull grey with the Sludge green Company logo every 5 metres or so and in the dull lighting it looked like the walls were covered with slime. There were panels half hanging off walls, wires sticking out everywhere bullet holes and acid burns everywhere. Seemed like a great setting for a horror movie I thought.
Then I saw it. Something small, Brown shaped like a hand. It was sitting in a vent opening 30 metres down the hall. I'd studied them in training. A parasitic Egg carrier. Facehuggers they called 'em. Hrmm, well It's not a great kill but at least it's my first xeno. I shouldered my scope rifle, and with my usual spectacular accuracy the brown hand like shape exploded into a thousand tiny droplets.
The noise from my rifle attracted the attention of the rest of the men and they rushed out to see what was going on.

-Semper Fi-

spearhead, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

spearhead was overjoyed by his kills and wished the rest of his brothers that they would get the chance to kill because it felt so good. Spearhead looked on down the corridor but the other presence was still there, he could feel it so stongly..

Spearhead could feel a breeze down the corridor but not for long it was if something or someone was there. spearhead feels the trembles of the hord behind him spearhead waits for the alpha to tell him waits has happend..

boards dont hit back

Crpl_Hicks, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

Hicks heard human screams and loud hissing. He got Rooster, Albert, and Revrand to come with him. They found what they needed to find: an old medical record and acid stains with dead human bodies. The thought "Looks like one of Ripley's bad guys was baged here.." echoed through his head. They rushed back to TDN with the medical records. The most alarming ones were these 4 :"Colonist DEAD. Reason: testing on embryo inside him made the xeno bleed to death which made the colonist's organs to melt." #2:"Colonist ALIVE. Reason:we have developed special ways to prevent chestbursting with new pills." #3:"Colonist ALIVE. Reason: the xeno didn't destroy any organs" #4, and by far the most disturbing :"13 found dead, all torn to shreds." Now, the worst fears were put into place. Xenos were in this colony and hungry for meat...

Fear. Fear is the mind killer. I will let my fear go over me and when I do only I will remain. Fear is the mind killer.

Nick_Kang_20, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

nicholaskang caught up with the other 2 xenos and looked at the corpses he said to spearhead "well done my friend, im jealous" and so the alien thought "the humans will not ruin the triumph of the xenomorph!"
he let of a extremely load roar that shook all walls (oops i mean hiss) as a warning to all the humans he then started to follow the other 2 aliens as they wandered away to get more victims (sorry if i have been killed im too lazy to read previous posts)

daveberg, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

*The second level of the colony station was cold. The heaters had been disabled as had most of the lighting. Silently, Daveberg crawled across the walls, teeth glistening with slick globules of drool. His army of darkness behind him, slowly edging forward amidst the choppy reflections cast from the emergency strobe lighting. The alpha alien knew the living quarters were ahead, dozens upon dozens of rooms where most of the flesh creatures had fled to when the aliens broke out three months ago. If anything, any survivors would have tried to barricade themselves in there, but now, the aliens had come to sift them out, to gather the last remaining few hosts for their growing virus like population.

The aliens came to a fork in the corridoor. Daveberg looked down to his new allies, and nodded in the direction of the left corridoor, with a small hiss, spearhead and caboose paced away into the darkness, scouring the empty rooms for any human hosts....*

darkness of acheron

caboose3456, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

Caboose stared at the corpses Spearhead had left from a vent.He then looked at Spearhead.Caboose enved him for making the first kill between them.But it did'nt matter.Caboose would have his corpse,his plaything. To Caboose thats all humans were.No longer his masters now his playthings.He saw the fear Spearhead put into them and he despretly wanted to see the fear he would give them.

Goodbye pinkie toe...YOU SHALL BE AVENGED

The_Reverand, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

I Headed Over the Top of The Ridge, Weapon at the ready. I heard Noises, with Whesker and Wolf_kid we snuck up over the ridge and we saw...

Marines, four marines had decided to go for a bit of a drink, Wonderful. "Privates!!, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!!"
They all jumped into the air and hit attention, they were fumbling over their speach," uh uh uh, eyah sir I umm, we, sorry sir"
"Get Your to The Dropship, Grab the rest of the equipment and get your a$$eS to the Messhall NOW!!!, You're Lucky I don't report you and have you thrown in the stockades"
"Yes Sir, Sorry sir."
They all scurried down the edge of the ridge and off to the ship with us following behind.
Whesker Laughed, "oh Come on sir, have you never went of for a drink on mission?"
"Yeah, I have, He he he, and I got the same thing" I replied grinning.
Everything got taken to the mess hall and all troops were accounted for but three. Davies, Froman and Wierzbowski.
I reported to TDN, "Sir, Everythings in and being setup and we're all accounted for except three of our smartgunners, Davies, Froman and Wierzbowski. I don't know where they are, but they aren't outside. Maybe we should split up Buller take one squad you take the other and search for the awol marines. And we'll leave this lot here to finish setting up the base of operations."
What do you say sir?

-Semper Fi-

spearhead, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

with one marine dead and two left he can see the marines and saying sh**t where did that thing go,as soon as they said that one of them goes to speak into his comm to his leader, TDN tdn we need back up here HELP PLZ HELP. Spearhead impales him when he was distracked talking to his leader.

Spearhead jumps down and looks at the last marine. Shakning in his well shined boots u can see spearhead in the boots as he puts in the final blow with his inner jaw.

The boots cover in blood, spearhead feels powerfull, and in his peak. a voice can be heard in one of the comms" This is TDN report,report if u can hear me we are in the dining hall.

boards dont hit back

Unknown, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

-A huge piercing crash echoed through the green scenic forest, shards of glass and re-inforced perspex flew in all directions as the inner layer of the domes seal was blown to pieces.

An angered daveberg looked up as chunks of sharp gl@ss scratched and even slightly pierced his exo-skeleton, acid droplets leaked from the minor cuts and began eating through the branches of the oak tree that the alpha alien was perched on.

With that, 3 shimmering apperitions seemlesly floated down from the shattered dome structure and landed in the midst of the dense forest.

It was clear what these things were. With no hesitiation, one of the three spectres sparked into view, blue volts of electricity sparking off armour, fizzing in the stale recycled air. It was Shadowblade.

His rogue clan had tracked pirate signals of the other predator hunting parties, and now they were ready to claim lives once again.

With a deep rooted growl, the massive hunter pulled up his holo-image and imediately began to
Search for any local prey.

with a shrill beeping sound, the holo-imagry picked up on a solitary hunter in the facinity, it was topdogg. Turning to topslice and quickslash, shadowblade sent them to hunt down the lone predator. -

i can smell your fear.

spearhead, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

spearhead along side his comarade and the mighty alpha shoot up the shaft and reaches level 2. spearhread can sence a search party of that of a human precence "Marines" he thinks.. Thinking to himself that confims the the other enemy, but what of this other feeling he has there was other presence felt much stronger than these of aliens and humans?

Spearhead carrys on and rushes ahead and comes across three marines that are looking for any life on this level. These marines were ondanairy soilders big in size and with smart guns.

Spearhead is a fast, he nos this and takes advantage to clear the danger ahead.

the marines see spearhead run towards them they fire tracking bullets at him from the smart gun but spearhead goes round one of the marines and the bullets go into the marine.

spearhead dissapears into a vent....

boards dont hit back

Unknown, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

radio call "sir this is de...we are falling back to level 1 i say again level......soldier get down kill the xeno the xeno

I live for the battle I live for the hunt
I live for my friends I live for the hunt
I will die for the prize I will die for my elder
I will die for the Queen I am in charge of my men and wil not put them in danger i am loyal to my clan i obey and i do not disobey i am loyal