daveberg, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

It is January of 2208

Silence loomed like a thick fog across the vast swirling mass of galaxies and stars that stretched across view point from the huge metalic object.

A small, dim, flickering sun cast glints off of the giant space colony, like stars twinkling in the deep cold of space. This was Orbital colony DC-996, an experimental facility holding an ever growing population of colonists, men, women and children alike all working together with a common goal - the continuation of terraforming the planet, Sigma II, which proudly spun on its axis below them.

Directly responsible for most opperations were a group of hardened, battle weathered marines, veterans of many wars, the best the corp had to offer. These men were known as, the Alpha Draconis unit and were indeed, the best of the best. Currently on mission in Nebula nercronis, the marine grunts were looking to be soon returning to DC-996 for some well earned leave.
Comanding them was perhaps one of the most legendary tactical leaders the marine corp had ever seen - Lieutenant Kevin Day, known by his squad as 'TDN'

A no BS approach has led TDN to many victories with his well trained squad, a back story of pain and anguish lies deep rooted with the Lieutenant, something, he knows, will keep him alive, alive to wipe out the terror that robbed him of his family.....

Inside the Orbital colony DC-996, it much resembled that of a hospital, and in parts, certanly smelled of one too, disinfectant mixed with the sour taste of recycled oxygen was at best, not a great mix.
For the most part, The majority of the colonists resided in the second level of the giant structure, briming with life, the families grafted hard at focusing on creating new technologies for aiding their quest for building better worlds, though some disharmony was building within the colony, clandestine experiments were heard of as rumours passed from person to person, dark romours, that the science officers on level three were experimenting with something far more dangerous than anything the human race has ever encountered - the Xenomorphs....

Experiments to breed a new kind of xenomorph were underway deep in the bowels of the colony, near the engine rooms, not a place most venture to. Even so, security access was at an extremely high level down there, no access to the science labs unless granted by the general situated back at gateway station, This was not a grace often given by the general.

A small sterotypical science officer stepped up to the huge doors of the lab, two muscle bound burly guards stood either side of the doors, looking like they'd kill anything on site in a snap of the fingers. The wirey framed docter swiped his security pass and the doors breezed open as he paced past the grunting guards.

DR church stood rigid. Like a stone carving, the only thing that gave him life was the sickeningly huge smile that came to life across his face, for there, before him, over the ridge of the observation balcony was a fully grown queen xenomorph....

Months of tests, mixing chemicals into the alien bloodstream to try and harness the potential power of the creatures went on and on, the quest to provide the perfect army was at hand, the science team, through vigorous experimenting, had now cracked it. Today was the day. DR church stood, like a man about to take on the world, the small framed scruffy man was about to make history. His team of 5 stood firm by his side.
The Queen, after what felt like a life time, had produced what Church would like to call 'pets' Genetically modified drones that were drugged from birth to be'controlled' Specific forms of training were implemented to get the drones to do the bidding of DR Church.

Now this was not full proof, as the first batch of drones had not conformed and deviated from the drug, The hostility of the first born was an increasing worry, The alpha of the queens first brood was something of a hinderance to DR Church, but that was of no consequence, as the second 'controlled' batch were seemingly, subdued, by the wonder drug.
With the first brood safely locked down, today was the day that the science team opened the hatch to the chamber and would walk amoung their controlled 'pets'

DR Church depressed the button to the chamber and walked in, only to realise, that would be the last few steps he would ever take......

April of 2208

The looming presence of the Alpha Draconis squad ship approached the colony, it was time for the grunts to get some deserved R & R......

darkness of acheron

Avier7777, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

Quciklash had taken away Avier's kill. He smiled as another threat came towards him. The other predator was dragging TD away, blood trailing behind them. Avier had a trail to follow after he delt with this predator.

Avier slashed at quciklash's face. Clawing the face mask. In retaliation he slammed his fist into Avier's side and sent him flying. Avier stood and jumpped to the ceiling and sprinted towards him.

Quciklash aimed his plasma caster and fired, not at Avier but at where he was about to be. The ceiling collpased and Avier fell to the floor. Avier crouched and pounced. He flung his tail at Quciklash and the predator recoiled as he slowly burned his skin.

Avier slammed his full weight against him. Both toppled over and rolled. Avier sunk his claws into him and lept. Tearing flesh as he left him. Qucik grabbed his left hind leg and pulled him back.

With a look of hatred he slammed him to the ground. Then slammed his wrist blades into Avier's leg. He let out a blood peirceing howl. This was not something he had expected.

He swung his tail around, hoping this plan would work. Qucik did not seem to notice and held him pinned. The blood slowly forming a circle around them both.

Qucik brought his claw up and slammed it down. Avier's had moved his head and they tumbled down. The circle that had been made with the blood had finnaly fell through. That was why he had been flailing his tail.

Avier's back took the blunt of the impact as he fell through layers of pipes and exaust vents. Finnaly he managed to brgin to toll, the fight, moving through the floor. The mid air fight continued for what seemed like eternity.

Think? Why think! We have computers to do that for us.

celtic102, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

celtic102 the dead pred had one last shot because he knew the predalien spwan of him hd coneections so celtic used the predaliens to turn on everyone... The aliens and the preds are their enemy... Prepare Yourself.....

plz dont delete i just wanted onwe more post plz dont delete

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celtic102, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

Celtic102 Departed from his main ship to his half-destroyed Pod and Blasted off in search of the Ghola88 and help him. Celtic102 was almost there until his pod went hay-wire and he blasted into an unknown part of the station. Celtic crawled out of the destroyed pod and set off in search of Ghola88 and Stop the new breed of alien from being made.

My Horror Site

Unknown, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

After following the calls of their elder down the corridors of the facility, Stalker, the doctor & PREDATOR reached K20A2, marines blood was splattered on his armour. Stalker said to his elder that this hunt had gone crazy.We were supposed to be here hunting soft meat but also place was crawling with hard meat & other yautja rogues were also on the hunt. Stalker raised his combistick & stabbed it into the floor. Pulling the combistick out of the floor his clanmates could see it was covered in acidic blood. Lifting up the floor grating the clan could see that the xenos were hunting them from below the floor, the gratings were the perfect concealment for their kind. Stalker reached into the grating & tore the head clean off the dead xeno, looking at his leader Stalker said "what do you propose we should do? there are more challenging prey than soft meat here". Stalker awaited a response from his leader.


celtic102, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

Celtic Decided to take a detour through the vents and was heading to were he heard a noise of Humans Talking he was right above the control room. Celtic stayed in the vent as he seen some Marines and waited for Other preds to pounce first .

My Horror Site

the_doctor, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

so there was hard meat on this colony but this is not their prey not today they unbloods have had enough training and their mightest warrior was trapped in a scout ship.

PREDATOR looked back at the map and pointed out that there were labs on the lower levels but it was not our objective to kill hard meat but to destroy the AD squad.

the doctor signled and the y went back to their real target they would only go after the xenos after their objective was completed

are you predator or prey?


Avier7777, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

Avier woke up in the same place he had falleen asleep. No one was around. The others had left him for dead. He slowly rose, esting his strength. He was able to walk, but he would need help.

Avier took the long slow walk towards the HIVE. It was his only hope, there someone would be able to help. His mind was clouded, an after effect of the medcine. He had never gone so long without it. It must be it, Isejin must be undergoing the same effects. Unless the humans had given her another dose. Which would mean shes at full strength. Avier did not like that idea.

She was strong enough in withdrawl from the drug. Now if she was the humans pet it was more likely she had recieved more. She was his ultimate threat. Avier smiled, she was a renagade. She was more dangerous then the humans or predators.

She threatened the entire Alien race. She may be able to hear the other Queens calls and bring more Marines to them. She could help the huamsn extermanate the enire Alien race.

The realization dawned on Avier. This was not about saving himself. These events could change the entire universe. The power for the humans to kill them all. Avier shivered. No matter his personal feelings towards any alien in the HIVE he would need their help.

With the drug Isejin may even be as powerful as the alpha alien. The drug would make her more alert, more powerful, more deadly. Avier limped towards the HIVE. When he came to the entrance no aliens came to greet him. No signs of help. Had they discovered his temporary betrayel to the HIVE? Avier listened closely to any warning signs they may be broadcastng. Nothing came from his senses.

Avier picked himself up with new dignity, and walkd into the HIVE. Fully knwing this could be the end of his very life.

Think? Why think! We have computers to do that for us.

caboose3456, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

Caboose stands not dead but injured.He was'nt too sure for his brothers though.Nick and Spearhead dont move but Caboose still sees their pheramones.He carries them up a vent and waits for them to regain conciousness.
(now I'm not sure if the tow dead aliens are us and we're supposed to be dead but we did'nt make any posts to defend ourselves.If that is us then let me say that you just can't kill us without us posting)

Goodbye pinkie toe...YOU SHALL BE AVENGED

cystic_warrior, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

Cystic greets his brothen and helps him back to the hive so that they may both heal. Cystic Has tasted blood for the first time and now feels himself begin to grow. when they reach the hive cystic lays down safely in a concealed position next to Katam so that he may heal uninterupted.

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The_Reverand, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

After Being Loaded up, Rooster Received a comm from inside the bunker."Hey Guys, You've got orders, You're to cover the landing Platform with sentry Guns and make sure the area is secure While Reverand, you're to go with four men and check out the security bay near the entrance, See If you can't figure out why there was no welcome party to meet us and find out where the hell they all are. You'll need someone who can use an uplink to hack into the mainframe security files, might even be a log."
"Righto then, well you heard the man I need four volunteers."
We took off towards the security bunker and left the others to set up. Looking around as we headed towards the bunker I noticed something, There's no plant-life, It's all just baron rock and dirt. that's terrible I thought, why would anyone want to collonise a planet without a single tree.
We headed further along looking around at the large black metallic structure, "It's eerie out here, too quiet" one of the other soldiers called from behind. Reaching the door of the security bunker we're surprised to find the door locked. "I clicked back the door switch cover with my knife and examined the insides. hrmm, I sliced a few wires then twined a couple of others together, next thing there were a few small sparks accompanied by the sound of the door opening.
"Sir How'd you do that?!?"
"well soldier, not all off us had the luxury of upper cla$$ status"
and we enetered the structure.
The place was trashed. With bits of panels and console everywhere, and no people. Great we can't salvage anythin' from this s I said as I kicked a nearby console piece in annoyance.

Nick_Kang_20, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

nick roared out a dare/warning/challenge 2 celtic predator calling him to come back and fight back thn as the drone follow the blood trail he soon catches up with spearhead (sorry i hate going alone i will lose ideas) and as they followed the trails they finally saw celtic predator nick jumped on the predator because spearhead saw it later and then spearhead pounced on the predator and then as the 2 drones were on the predator the predator looked on as death was coming in to reedeeem his when suddenly the mighty k20 came lashing out a warning with his spear to the 2 drones then when celtic predator took the few seconds k20 gave him to run away k20 too somehow decided to run away but in a different direction then nick told spearhead "the more the better" then spearhead replied "i think we better kill the injured one first we better finish our job we have some unfinished bussiness to fullfill..." then the two drones followed cltic predator green blood as a trail again...

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Ancienthunter, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

I roared in pain but took like a mnn i quickly backhanded him him and while he try ro recover i grabbed my combatstick and guted through his stomach then raised him in the air and flung him at tree near by and blasted bigballs of plasma from my shoulder cannon to TD and one of them him him on his bacl making a n big burning mark on his back that burned his skin and let him die slowly there in pain

(all acid proof armor)2Writsblades,comitstick(Acidproof),2shurikens,Smart Disc(Acid Proof),speargun,plasmacaster,Sword,Remotebombs, netgun,cermonial dagger,and 2elder daggers(acidproof,and there from Pred2) with Medkit and wrist computer and all vision modes on Helmet with laser ponters and energy Recharger

spearhead, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

as the three brother reach the stairs they come out into a kitchen area where they look down on the floor and see the blood leading through two double doors. The brothers crowd round the doors ready for an attack just incase it jumps out.

Spearhead is ready for this but spearhead does not know where the doors lead but can feel the presence of the the predator inside. He looks at his brothers and they waits.

boards dont hit back

caboose3456, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

Two marines walked out of the door.They saw the aliens and raised their pulse rifles.Caboose had waited to get to kill a human the whole time he escaped now was his time.He impailed one with his tail and lifted him.The human fired wildly into the air.caboose then grabed its face and sunk a claw deep into the human's temple.then he wiped the blood on his hand off on his head.The other human raised his gun up to caboose's head,but before he could fire Spearhead grabed the back of his head and inserted his inner jaw.the aliens then ate to they're leasure

Goodbye pinkie toe...YOU SHALL BE AVENGED

daveberg, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

*Death, it seemed, had indeed warmed up.

Daveberg nodded his head at the giagantic silky black monstrousity that was the queen as she shrilled out her alien comunication. The alpha alien hissed with authority to the rest of the brood who were all now stiring, Swarming into the center of the engine room, obscure black shapes coming together like watching ink mix with water. It was time to sniff out any survivors from the January massacre.

In tight packs, the aliens began to scurry through the engine room and out towards the main corridoors of level 3, there were many routes to take, the xenomorphs began to break apart into murderous groups.

The flickering strobe lights bounced off the mighty beasts exoskeleton like fireworks in a dark sky as he bounded toward the central lift shaft. After four months, the alpha alien knew the ins and outs of the obrbit colony, and now it was time for a clean up of any loose 'flesh creatures' that remained.

Just as the xenomorph prepared to climb the shaft, he stopped short and spun quickly, looking into the dim corridoor ahead, where Steam whipped across every open space casting familular shadows. The transmission was unmistakable. Alien. Daveberg could sense the emissions from the other brood. The new aliens. Differeing from the HIVE drones, these 'serpants' were the product of DR Churchs genetic tampering. Smaller and faster than average xenomorphs made them extremely deadly.

The alpha alien slowly made his accent throught the life shaft wondering if the new breed would be allies or foes.....*

darkness of acheron

spearhead, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

spearhead reaches the forest area and sees a battle with a couple of predators, spearhead look on and climbs a tree he luvs this area as he can monuiover alot better because there is lots of trees and branches to climb..

watching the fight in interest he is amazed at topdogg trying to kill his own kind and cannot understand why he would do such a thing?

Spearhead can sense the alpah alien in the forest area and others

boards dont hit back

Unknown, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

Seeing two of my loyal marines get killed Death Ran to there aid firing at the xenomorph with a smartgun on full auto and until the gun runs dry iDeath will keep shoting and when it does he has a speare gun to use called A M4A7 assult rilfe

I live for the battle I live for the hunt
I live for my friends I live for the hunt
I will die for the prize I will die for my elder
I will die for the Queen I am in charge of my men and wil not put them in danger i am loyal to my clan i obey and i do not disobey i am loyal

Unknown, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

spearhead had done da damage, quickslash could hardly stand and was limping towards avier who was writhing around in agony from da brutal stab wound in da side of his domed head. da throbbing in his back was tremendos, he had avier 2 thank for that harsh wound and was now gonna repay the favour, quickly, avier began to tail away and tried to leave da battle,
Quickslashes wristblades were nothin but a smokey stump, he looked down to his belt and pulled da sacraficial dagger and prepared for da kill just as spearhead turned da corner and attempted to re-attack the weakend predator.

SMACK!! Spearhead leapt onto the back of da hunter and sank his claws into him. Quickly, avier span around and leapt back into the fray, running headstrong at da rogue, avier whipped his second jaw into the wrist of quickslash, snappin it in 2, watching the dagger fall to da floor, the aliens had him----

to be rogue is to rule.

Avier7777, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

Avier's head exploded with pain. The blades had hit him hard, his blood seeped out. If he had not seen the blow coming he would surly be dead now. The blow had almost killed him, and once again he found himself very weak.

He looked to spearhead, hissing as his akkndowlegement of hus leaving. Avier needed to rest, in fact his life depended on it. He crawled away. But quciklash thought otherwose. He stood and made a dash for Avier.

Avie's skull pounded, not knowing what to do as the giant came lumbering toward him. He slipped to his right but the predator followed his movements. This was no unblooded predator. This was one whcih could easily kill him.

Avier did the one thing the predator never expected, ran towards him. The predator slowed for just a second, which was all the time he needed. He slammed upward and landed firmy in a vent shaft. Running with the hope that the predator would not fire blindly.

But when the panel in front of him exploded in a spout of blue plsma Avier knew it might be the end of his life. He hit the floor and stood facing Qucik.

Then spearhead rejoined the battle. He slammed his body against the predator, the previous wounds showing from the sudden impact. The predator moaned with agony, as his pain rippled through him.

Think? Why think! We have computers to do that for us.

Unknown, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

stugglin 2 free himself, da rogue roared out in pain, spearheads tail would not budge, plus avier now began trying to sink his teeth into da head of quickslash. it was do or die for da hunter. thinking fast, he fired his net gun at spearhead, da force pushed spearhead back and his tail tore out of da predators leg, in da same motion quickslash rotated his wristblades and slammed then into da side of aviers head, piping hot acid gushed over da predators face plate, some spraying out and hitting da net that had trapped spearhead ----

to be rogue is to rule.