11 years ago
No, Phone (the Predator you're talking about) is contacting him via radio, or something (they never figure it out either). He's on the other side of the forest. I made a badly drawn map, hopefully it'll be helpful.
But yeah, all this "plot" stuff is admittedly kind of tiring, and I realize it's pretty confusing if you're not the one writing it all. I'll tone it WAY down from here if it's tiring you all out, but for now, here's a recap:
Hedy, a Super Facehugger, has been hibernating in Jim's bag since the beginning of the story. She implanted Jim with Red, a Queen, who is the true successor to the original Queen from Litany of Fire. Hedy also has one more embryo, which she'll plant in an NPC Predator. The resulting Xeno will be FH.
Jim has been chasing Bloo. Eventually, Bloo hits Jim in the head with her tail and knocks him out of his amnesia.
This is when Phone somehow contacts Jim. Phone is a Predator in a shed on the very edge of the forest, and he's with Dto, an idiotic Youngblood from Balatu.
Phone's a guy none of the Predators actually know; he's not even in Hunter's Moon or Balatu. He's just this guy that's "working" for the Elder Council, but hates them even more than anyone, and so he wants Red for his revenge plan. He joined the hunt specifically for that reason.
Phone knows DD's father, Pv2, and Doc, and they know him.
Dto is the son of a Badblood (former royalty) that challenged DD Sr. to a duel while DD Sr. was on his drug. DD Sr. threw Dto's father off a cliff. Now Dto winds up working for Phone because he's an excellent tracker. He's not very important to the story.
Bloo is in pursuit of The_Doctor and Pv2. They haven't actually done anything yet, but Bloo senses their old scent (somehow) and is being driven crazy by it.
Jim was chasing Bloo to distract her from interrupting Doc and Pv2's "pregnant human" plan.
Red has 7 Xenos (including FH and DL): Reeza, the Alpha Male; Roots, a Runner; Wumbo, a Praetorian; Thank, a Spitter; and Coco, a Crusher. The latter 3 will coincidentally arrive at the fight when CH and DD do.
DL and Reeza are defending Jim because of Red. Tawganator and Badapple are still on Bloo's side.
With CH, DD, DL, WTC, BA and Tawganator fighting each other, Jim will slip off and try to run for the Predator ship to try and hijack an escape pod to Earth. This will cause Bloo and CH (and maybe DD) to follow, and will set up my fight with Doc (and maybe Pv2).