JessieJames and ThePredator13, you guys are pretty much surrounded by four very large Xenomorphs. FireHunter and Achilles are up the stairs, and Slick and Demon are out of the light's range in the dark, so they're both invisible until they come closer.
@FH: Well I'm going to take the cowards way out on this one....mostly because my marine can't fight 4 giant xenos in the small inclosed space we're in. Mostly plan on moving towards the hanger if you do want to a big fight there.
@DL: Um....are you ok with having left overs or eating my dead body after the chestbuster comes out? Because if Firehunter get's a hold of me that will probably be the outcome with his "gang" of sorts.
@BL: Well I'm booked at the moment by a semi angry Mr.Firehunter, so if you want a snack your gonna have to take it up with him.