Being pushed through the wall had shook GF. Like she was some play thing for AX. Well no longer would she hold back, no longer would she "play" she will take it like a serious fight. Like it is a fight to the death.
She then stood up and roared, roared so that even the xenomorphs in other galaxys could hear her. And with that roar she charged bringing up her tail with the point forward to do maximum damage. Then the impact, BOOM, the impact shook the whole cave. She had knocked AX down to the ground and while he was there she did something she thought she would never do. She grabbed him by the tail and flung him out the cave towards the canyon and while he was in mid air GF leaped and reached and smiled and said, *Have a nice trip. Then she slammed him into the ground with all her might hoping that it would not kill him.