ThePredator13, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

"yes that would be good..." she said turning to face him

badapple24, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

"You move first, i want to give you a chance." Bad apple now got down on all fours hissing once again "Hey, try not to hurt me too bad." and the fight begun

ThePredator13, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

ire moved around him looking for a weak spot and she found one but how to explot it... she tiwsted knocking him off his feet and grabed his by the neck on the ground lift her hand claws extended but her thought drifted away from the battle and back to the man...

badapple24, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Bad apple hissed, she had obliviously gotten lost in memories, and that was her weak spot. Bad apple used his legs to propel Ire off of him and then grabbed her by the arm smashing her onto the floor and threw her away again. "I have to admit you put up a good fight." *Hiss*

alienxeno, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

alienxeno charged at full speed at GF and almost broke the wall when she hit it.
alienxeno cooled his temper.i may hav temper problems.....but i do not want to kill the queen mother.
and still i do not feel like a freaking praetorian.the way i almost broke the wall....i does not feel
like i am a praetorian....then he saw GF back on her feet.keep my eyes open!

ThePredator13, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

She hissed cought off guard... his size was and advantage.... she twisted the rolled under his legs digging her claws into his hamstring and wincing her back had taken alot of damage... cant do many rolls she thought and danced away

badapple24, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

AX was smashing his partner, and that made a surge of anger flow through the Praetorian but Bad apple remembered that it was only a sparring match and he was supposed to focus on the fight at hand.

gamefreak33797, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Being pushed through the wall had shook GF. Like she was some play thing for AX. Well no longer would she hold back, no longer would she "play" she will take it like a serious fight. Like it is a fight to the death.

She then stood up and roared, roared so that even the xenomorphs in other galaxys could hear her. And with that roar she charged bringing up her tail with the point forward to do maximum damage. Then the impact, BOOM, the impact shook the whole cave. She had knocked AX down to the ground and while he was there she did something she thought she would never do. She grabbed him by the tail and flung him out the cave towards the canyon and while he was in mid air GF leaped and reached and smiled and said, *Have a nice trip. Then she slammed him into the ground with all her might hoping that it would not kill him.

ThePredator13, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

she straightened up her mind moving a mile a minute she twisted and saw an outcroping "come now warrior you aren't looking for an exit are you?" when tried to attack she just danced out of the way

alienxeno, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

alienxeno slowely stood up.
then he fell down with a headache.

damn!that hurts!it will be okay i gues.

badapple24, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

"I am not a warrior, I'm a praetorian!" Anger was now starting to take control of Bad apple and he was now attacking more fiercely and violently. Bad apple took his tail out hitting Ire tripping her. He moved faster and more agile. "Attack, attack attack!" and bad apple pinned Ire.

gamefreak33797, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

*So be it, and even though it has not been and hour you have passed the test. And by the way, good fight.

ThePredator13, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

"you're almost cute when your angry, just like a little chestbuster..." she said tuating him knowing he'd make a mistake

badapple24, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Bad apple was now furious and was ready to finish her off, wait It all makes sense now. He controlled his anger and flipped her back around "I am not an average xeno, i'm smarter than that you know?" Bad apple hissed cooly. "Give up and i will stop."

ThePredator13, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

" no... i think a have one last trick in my book" she twisted in his grasp one arm sliding free, she moved a rock from the bottom of a pile sending huge bolders landing ontop of him, the combined mass was heavy enough it would take gf to move them "ciao" she smirked she was small enough to wiggle her way out were he wasn't

badapple24, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

"Come on think, think" bad apple was talking to himself in his thoughts. Suddenly he felt it and used his amazing strenth to break free of the rocks. Bad apple screeched loudly and moved straight for Ire. Now he smashed her with his crown and knocked her out cold.

gamefreak33797, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

*ENOUGH! Enough, I do not want you to kill each other and you both have proven yourselves. Now we must repair the wall so we can cocoon the three humans. After all i made a promise i dont want to break.

badapple24, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

OOC: I would like to thank you all for the participation given to this Role play, It has been the best Rpg I have been in for a long time, i hope it goes on for a long while longer

gamefreak33797, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

OOC: It is amazing, and by the way Badapple, i diggin the new sig and when will my sig pic be ready

badapple24, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Your sig is ready i'm just uploading it. should be up in fifteen minutes