17 years ago
Just gotta worship Wraith lol (i didn`t mean that, though it`s true)
Well one thing we shouldn`t be worry about is the rating, i`t already R, it has a red band trailer, we won`t be having another kid invasion like after AvP. Some scenes i`ve seen in the trailer have really hightened my expectations for this movie, though, as Dave says, they may just be the omly good scenes in the movie and the rest of it be bad. Let`s face it, it won`t be as bad as AvP, that would bring a revolution and we`d never hear of new alien/predator/avp movies again (unless i become a movie director in which case i would advise Dave not to watch my movies).
And if you are really determined to expect it to be very bad, well, one of the great advantages of a pessimist view is that, the worse you expect it to be, the more you`ll enjoy it when you see that it`s actually good. I for one enjoyed AvP very much the first time i saw it, because i didn`t have any kind of expectations for it.