The Future of AVP as we Think It....

cardmaster12595, Undefined, 19 years ago

After the classic movies we know and love came AVP..most of us hated to my knowledge so what do you think the future holds for the Alien and Predator universe in the hands of Hollywood..

I like poker...hence the name.....MySig.gif

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

lol.Thanx man i hope to see you in the future and i will make sure Legends works.thats a promice.Thanx guys.Better go back on topic

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Hunter_Predator, Undefined, 18 years ago

I have seen stuff about the new Alien movie, "Alien Influx", though some of you think it's fan, or a different kind of alien, no, the case for the movie has an Alien queen in the back and it isn't fan made because it has previews, trailers, the works, trust me.

But the "future of AvP", isn't going so well yet, but as for AvP2, no Anderson is all I have to say, I'm beggining to hate Anderson.



donut, Undefined, 18 years ago

aye, even though most of us didnt like Avp, there is bound to be more merchanidse like movies, games, toys ect... Even though in my opinion Avp wasnt all that great, i still hope the merchandise continues, only for the sake to see xenomorphs and yautjas again. I dont think it will end too soon, after all, look at all the old comics/games/movies/cartoons that are being brought back again!

~i draw is delicious~
~first female on teh site! w00t w00t!~

xeno_slayer, Undefined, 19 years ago

all i can say is i hope anderscum isnt involved

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Unknown, Undefined, 19 years ago

I sry to say that my company with take over Aliens v predator.Legends will role over AVP.Legends has been everything AVP is not there for is not in production yet and is already better.Look for Legends in the future ppl and remember what i said i mabye some day you will see me promoting Legends but i must thank AVP for my great idea but it is easy for this to happen lots of young ppl with alot of ideas going up againts old worn out ppl running out of ideas it is too easy i will fight AVP to the end as it was AVP which did creat Legends but can also end it.

Legends is my version of you did'nt know.Yes you heard right my and Mavrick run a company called BlackHole look for it in the future when we get it up and running.Wish us luck Legends is the future of AVP.

Heroes are remembered, Legends never die !

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xeno_slayer, Undefined, 19 years ago


Image hosted by hunters moon

Unknown, Undefined, 19 years ago

Yep and soon when we gather money up we can get a site up so guys may see our verion of preds and aliens thay are much better.Hopfly u will stay to join RPGs and info which will be given every week.Yet the site is far from being made we need money first.Wish us luck peeps.AVP will live on in Legends !

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cardmaster12595, Undefined, 19 years ago

Isnt that copyright infringment??

I like AVP how it is so I probably wont join in "Legends" or whatever

I like poker,hence the nameMySig.gif

Stalker, Undefined, 19 years ago

I'm impressed Katam, good luck with that m8.

As for the future of the Alien, Predator & AVP franchises, well.......that's still very much in the shadows right now. There is a high possibility of another AVP movie, which could hopefully, if made, make up for the dissapointment of the original, as the potential for this film is massive, let's just hope it delivers, that is, if it's ever actually made.

As for another Alien or Predator sequel, that's a little less likely, the latter of the alien movies (resurrection) have been the weakest of the series by far, & unless a new director can take the series back to it's roots, there is no point in making a fifth movie, & considering Sigourney Weaver's latest role as Ripley was poorly portrayed (even though it wasn't really Ripley), it would be fairly tough to get her to be able to resume the same great role she once portrayed. The same goes for the Predator movies, some of the ideas that have been spreading around of the predator's homeworld etc. don't sound like like they would really be taking the franchise in the right direction to me.


Quinn, Undefined, 19 years ago

I am pretty sure your legends idea is not the future of AVP. not because i think your idea is bad Katam it sounds good, but it isnt avp and therefore cannot replace it. if and when you get your Legends idea off the ground i will be a fan i am sure but by no means does that mean that i am going to abandon my all time favorite series. as for the fact of legends being better than AVP that is your opinion. i hope you dont take this the wrong way but, it just isnt very original to make an alien like species and a predator like species and then give it a different name, and tell the fans of the origanal idea that you based your idea on that yours is better than the original and that yours will be replacing it.....

but other than that good luck and i look forward to seeing your work.

"This time the B!tch Is Back

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

lol.I was joking bout it sry i cannot exprece emotions in my posts words and actuly speakin are diffrent so im sry i came over the wrong it is my opinion as well but please do not dismiss it cause u havnt seen it yet and out preds are nothing like preds trust me.

The thing bout copyright is taken care of so no wrys there.

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Quinn, Undefined, 18 years ago

i Know katam i think your a smart guy and i know what you have planned will be good. all i was trying to say is that nothing can replace the alien and predator franchise. i wasnt trying to put your idea down at all katam, go hard and make me proud and one day i will purchas your product! :)

"This time the B!tch Is Back