The facehugger has two big... balls... right? Maybe one is filled with the embryo in a kind of hybernation that will keep it from developing too soon and the other has a limited supply of acid. Either that, or the facehugger has a limited supply of expandable acid in some sacks around its "mouth". Personally, i think the theory that those two balls are breathing sacks is folly, because even between preds and humans, they don't breathe the same gas, and for a creature on a distant planet that can survive without breathing to have two sacks of Earth air hanging from its body would be a pretty dumb coincidence. And about the clarvoyance, obviously no, the facehugger would only need that big portion of immobile spine-like bone structure that its body is composed of to be filled with brain and that would already be a bigger brain than dogs have, which is pretty big for such a small creature. Dogs are pretty smart creatures who can even not bump like idiots into a piece of glass so i'm thinking a facehugger could also tell the difference between glass and your head.