Predalien vs New Born

Skelitore, Undefined, 17 years ago

I was just seeing what everyone's opinions were if the Predalien and the New Born (from Ressurection) where ever to come across eachother. Would they fight? If so, who do you reackon would win? I'm predicting the Predalien.

What are your thoughts?

Karo, Undefined, 17 years ago

lol the newborn is lame, predalien ftw

monaroCountry, Undefined, 17 years ago

Newborn hated both Alien and Humans equally. If they did run across each other, they would definitely fight. I would say that both can be quite brutal, both are quite strong and quick. PredAlien has the tail advantage but would loose out on the agility and cunning/intelligence.

My money would go with Newborn.

monaroCountry, Undefined, 17 years ago

Newborn hated both Alien and Humans equally. If they did run across each other, they would definitely fight. I would say that both can be quite brutal, both are quite strong and quick. PredAlien has the tail advantage but would loose out on the agility and cunning/intelligence.

My money would go with Newborn.

The-Wolf, Undefined, 17 years ago

The Predalien would tare that thing apart. And I bet they would fight. The Predalien would protect the hive.

-Bloo-, Undefined, 17 years ago

Didn't someone already make a topic like this? Like, yesterday?
Anyway, my money's on the Newborn, despite whatever I said yesterday in the other topic. Although I hate to admit anything good about it, it's fast, strong, far more intelligent than any other Alien I've seen, and its scream makes me wet my shorts.

the_doctor, Undefined, 17 years ago

Predalien. Newborn kills it's self after seeing how lame it is compared to the predalien.

devilpredator88, Undefined, 17 years ago

if they crossed they definetly would fight cus the newborn killed a queen. but as of who would win, no compatition the predalien would win in like 2 seconds.

all shall fall!

-Bloo-, Undefined, 17 years ago

Did you forget that the Queen was weak, unable to get up, and drunk?

DeathWraith, Undefined, 17 years ago

I say the newborn, cos the predalien was't all that.. most of the time it was just running. In the ending, when the Wolf was tired and careless, he still kicked the Predalien's ass.

skullhunter220, Undefined, 17 years ago

i think it would be an even match. but i think it would be the predalien that would win because of its tail and its as strong as a pred

creed, Undefined, 17 years ago

I say the predalien because the newborn had human like blood, so the predalien just had put some of its blood as a weapon against the newborn. If the predalien is able to rampage through a pred ship and kill all the preds, the newborn only sneak in a small ship.

Doyler5254, Undefined, 11 years ago

Well here's the thing Predalien is a pure beast
But when Predalien was born it was little over 40cm
When the Queen gave birth to Newborn it was 8 feet tall
If Newborn grew full size it would be a monster maybe in the size range of 20-25 feet tall and 10 tons
Thats bigger than the Queen
My bet is on Newborn it would destroy Predalien

Hunter_Predator, Undefined, 11 years ago

You realize no one has posted in this thread for 5 years right? Most of the people in this topic aren't even on the site anymore. Try not to bump up such an old thread any more ok?

Oh and btw, we do not speak of the "New Born"... in fact usually if you mention it we either act like we have no idea what you're talking about or we ban you...

Just sayin' lol

FireHunter, Undefined, 11 years ago

Topic locked, maybe make a new one instead of bumping next time.