orginal sin....wast of time and money

XTheXRogueX, Undefined, 19 years ago

i read the book aliens origanl sin over the week end and it ed all it told is that riply had a kid but most of us on here already new that ..the story like ed i was extreamly disapointed.



Unknown, Undefined, 19 years ago

If the thing about the government doing stuff with the Space Jockies is true (As in it doesnt screw around with the top tier of cannon), I didnt know that the government is that stupid. give away lifes to get more foes about to eat them.

XTheXRogueX, Undefined, 19 years ago

lol yea
you should read it
so far i have read all the aliens books and i cant wait ferr the new 1 to come out
i am hoping it will fill in about the diff breed of aliens in orginal sin



XTheXRogueX, Undefined, 19 years ago

it was very very poor wrighting i really dont care what qs it answerd it was just a boring book in geniral

o the thing with the space jockyes is they are not extinct the gov has know about them all along evin b4 the nostromo and the humans and the space jockyes have been making "trades" with each other for a long time so the two races will never have a war for example the space jockyes will give the humans a planint rich with resorses in exchange for a colony of humans to breed aliens.



Unknown, Undefined, 19 years ago

did they or dident they create the xenos????

Unknown, Undefined, 19 years ago

sorry for dobble post

XTheXRogueX, Undefined, 19 years ago

it dosint say but my guess is no



donut, Undefined, 19 years ago

i havent read that book yet, but i'd like to read all of the alien books even if i have to force myself to continue :P

~i draw is delicious~
~first female on teh site! w00t w00t!~

Deathdrop, Undefined, 19 years ago

*sigh* WHY did it s*ck? You're not telling us much by just saying "it s*cked" over and over again.


XTheXRogueX, Undefined, 19 years ago

i have read all the alien books....
it ed bc the story was not long enufe for starters
second there should have been only one alien but a hole buch aperard out of nowere and they didint explane were they came from...the breed of aliens was suposidly a more advased breed but the only diff was the size of there heads the book was sopsed to answer a buch of unanswer questions but it only answerd 1 (it answerd the hole thing about the space jockeys) u should just read it your self it take only about 2 houers to finish



Unknown, Undefined, 19 years ago

please tell whats upp whith the space jockeys!!!!!!!!!I dont have the time to read it by my self!!!!!

the_doctor, Undefined, 19 years ago

well the space jockey mystery is the only real mystery to awnser, id rather have an explaination for that so i dont no why r coplaining about that being the only mystery awnsered

are you predator or prey?
