DeathWraith, Human, 8 years ago

Oh wow 1017 and we didn't even notice. COME BACK GUYS!

DeathWraith, Human, 8 years ago

Oh no, the forum is definitely about AvP and sometimes we even talk about it. You can even find forum rules that are outdated by about 5 years somewhere around here.


But yes, this topic specifically is for talking about whatever. Unfortunately, everyone is dead.

tawganator, Human, 8 years ago

Not dead just really lazy, forgetful and easily distracted.

So I just watched the Logan Trailer #2 and it looks like a proper movie. I think I'm going to enjoy this one.

DeathWraith, Human, 8 years ago

No no no, I'm lazy, forgetful and easily distracted, which is why I'm still here. Everyone else has jobs and school and other matters that are actually important.

Also, I just realized the first Off-Topic thread in this list (because it's not actually the first one) is from EIGHT YEARS AGO

DeathWraith, Human, 8 years ago

Yea, thank god that weeaboo Bloo is finally gone, ugh. 2 CRIN G

Also are you 12, because then I have to be careful not to say "dick" around you.

tawganator, Human, 8 years ago

What? Since when did Bloo leave? He was on only five days ago.

DeathWraith, Human, 8 years ago

Well he's been gone for 5 days then. He'll probably be back. But let's hope not, because THAT GUY WATCHES ANIME WHEN HE HAS TIME.

EDIT: I wish font size could go higher than 7.

DeathWraith, Human, 8 years ago

I hear he banged an anime girl once. Or maybe that was Bernie Sanders.

tawganator, Human, 8 years ago

It's okay to watch and like anime but if you start heading in to weeaboo territory then you need help and fast.

So what kind of dog do you have?

tawganator, Human, 8 years ago

Why is it that the smallest of dogs are the most eager to bite? While being a dog person my self I must admit that the Savannah Cat is one of my favourite of all pets. Unfortunately that particular breed of cat is not allowed in Australia which is where I am.

DeathWraith, Human, 8 years ago

I still don't understand how you concluded that alien-queen was a weeaboo or that it was ok to talk shit about an entire class of older members on your first day here.

Deathdrop, Human, 8 years ago

Sorry, sorry, I was curled up under my bed in the fetal position crying for the last week and must have missed the great migration of dick jokes from one off-topic thread to another.

In other news, this thread requires exactly 200% more Bloo up in here.

I hear there's going to be a new Predator movie. I'd make a thread, but, you know, gotta clean the earwax outta my nose or something.

DeathWraith, Human, 8 years ago

Can you stop being sad about Trump all the time and go back to being the springy hot chick you once were? COME ON!


Actually now that I think about it, we did have an entire community of weebs here for quite some time. But it was before the rise to fame of tumbler. They were from gaiaonline.

I also find it disturbing that someone apologized after I called them out on something, is it because I'm a moderator now? Normally I would have to chase you off the site over the course of several months, but since you apologized I guess it's ok...? I've never encountered this before.

EDIT: Also, DD, 200% of 0 is still 0.

tawganator, Human, 8 years ago

I have done it! I've figured out the answer to 10 divided by 0. The answer is only possible if you allow for remainders thus making the answer 0 with 10 remainder or 0w 10r. Now that that great mystery of the universe is solved time to move onto more pressing matters.

Like how to solve the worlds energy problem. I'm thinking Santa Claus might be the answer to that but it would require a lot of years on the naughty list. I could just solve world hunger and over population but I hear that cannibalism is frowned upon. Man, some people are just really fussy eaters.

DeathWraith, Human, 8 years ago

but that doesn't make any SENSE

-Bloo-, Human, 8 years ago

i am not a weaboo.

not a weaboo
not a weaboo

This is my wife. Her name is Bernie Sanders and we're very happy together.

Edit: XenomorphQueen, the first thing you should know about DW is that he's never serious even when he's serious.

The second thing you should know about DW is that he's never not serious even when he's joking.

Edit: and yes, I have fucked her. many times with and in my head.

Deathdrop, Human, 8 years ago


Also that chick in rubber that Bloo posted is hella hot. I'm not normally into animated Americans but goddamn.

DeathWraith, Human, 8 years ago

Don't worry about it, since we're nearing the post-antibiotic era, healthcare will be much less meaningful than it used to be. If it makes you feel better, it's not gonna be trump that kills you, it's gonna be the cattle and pig farmers who fed their animals antibiotics to the point that bacteria evolved beyond being affected by them. If you haven't lived in dirt your whole life you're basically doomed.

And yes, that is a very nice leather-clad woman, I hear she could have been president had she run instead of Hillary. And I respect any armour that goes out of its way to expose vital organs just so it can expose boobs. But have you seen Johyun's ass?

DeathWraith, Human, 8 years ago

It's probably somewhere in the rules. Hopefully. As a moderator I should probably know this. Also Johyun has boobs, too.

Back to the Trump thing, since when does BLR use the actual audio?

Deathdrop, Human, 8 years ago

Since the actual audio became stupider than anything they could come up with.