11 years ago
The cold war was fought over whether or not your cock was legitimate.
It is, but Russia doesn't think so.
Edit: Alright, so obviously we have a small issue here, so let's slap that bitch in the face and get her in the bath tub:
UX and SW, please, for the love of god, stop asking when you'll be in the clan and you'll be in the clan. I think I told each of you twice already, and though it's not such a huge deal in this particular case, just understand that it gets tiring when this is case #7 this past year alone, and May's not even over yet.
You also both seem to go off-topic a lot, especially when it comes to making new friends, which will happen, don't worry. I didn't ask Kirby out on a playdate when I first joined, and yet here we are, doing... things.
This is place is very casual, I get it, but shit, there's just something weird going on. You two aren't bad - believe me, I've seen bad, and his name literally begins with "ass." You're not that. Not by a long shot.
Just stop pestering us about whether or not you're gonna make it, because you have a better chance of making it by being active like you are. It's like getting a girl to notice you - do you shower her with gifts and keep asking her out? Hell nah, son, and if you do that then I'm going to fucking slap you. You be her friend, flirt with her a little, let her know you're interested without actually outright saying "WHEN WILL I CAN DO THE SEX WITH YOU??????"
And then when you have her in your sights, push that bitch in the tub.
Look me in the eyes. I am that girl. Kirby is that girl. Waralien and Angus are that girl. DW is our friend who is judging you and telling us that you're dumb. Are you gonna hopelessly ask me out again or are you gonna push me in that bath tub?
Edit: I just realized that I'm promoting rape. Don't ever do that.