11 years ago
@BB: Sure. I wish we had a PM system so we could take this conversation elsewhere, but I guess I'm still technically welcoming you.
So, first thing's first, edit your posts instead of double posting or the mods will slap your ass with a bendy straw. (Our version of a Banhammer, for some reason.)
Second, sigs are totally free. If anyone ever asks you to pay for one, report that motherfucker.
Third, the Shadow Serpents is the other Alien clan (or hive, if we're gonna get technical). I guess our associated color is blue ('cause of my character) to The Hive's red (FireHunter, The Hive's leader, is an orange Predalien, and only one goddamn RPG level above me). We're a hardcore pack of ass kickers consisting of Kirby, Waralien, Badapple, Blizzard, Gamefreak, and my co-leader, Angus, who was the original sole leader before his hiatus, but he's back now and it's all good. There's also Ash, Nick and Ace, who each show up, like, once a year. Those elusive bastards.
We've got a lot more members in hiding like Namicole and Banana, who were our team cheerleaders (when they weren't being hardcore, of course). We're pretty laid back in the clan room, usually talking about litter boxes, games, movies, and the what time of day we like to eat lunch.
But in the RPGs, we use our tight teamwork and precise distribution of short-term goals to fuck shit up.
...wow, I should add that to the clan description. Anyway, enjoy your stay, Batman.