JedChrizt should be BANNED

Iseijin, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

I know he roams around here, well, so does in the Alien loves Predator forum. He posted his fanfiction there too, in order to have it reviewed. I know not all there were the kindest of reviewers, but Sara and I and some other members there did our best to try to ease his hoped of actually getting it published.

He retaliated with no less than two threads calling Siliconsara and I a "fat ".

I understand this has taken place in another forum, but since it is also Alien and Predator related I figured it would affect here. I, nor Sara, would wish to continue contributing in any forum that has a troll like this one running about.

Links to evidence:

Please consider.


Jed-Chrizt, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

Trying to get me banned for something which happened on another forum? Intresting...flaming me for nothing which I've done wrong on this forum.

"Dikana, let them hate, as long as they fear"

Unknown, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

ok ....this is just wrong.hes not said anything like that on here so until he does,lets just leave it ok.and when he does, the mods will sort it out.



Unknown, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

black warrior harrigan couldn't of said it better myself good job! *pats on back*

edit: oh and jed dont worry if you dont do anything like that you wont get banned we got your back well as long as you Dont do that stuff lol
KingofKings.jpg if you can see this your dead!

black_warrior, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

Okay i dont know if he has insulted you or anything here yet but i found this in the rules that could possibly be of some help. but if it does happen here the Mods will take care of it.

"No insulting/Cussing/Flamming. This is a civilized message board and any of these seen by any member will not be tolerated.

No discrimination. In other words, just because of someone's opinion, background, skin color, doesn't give you the right to judge them."

But he has been pretty good so far.

Still you are a great member to the site Isejin and i dont want to see you and Siliconsara leave.

Message Board, RPG Rules & Information
"By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes."

Unknown, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

terrible.why waste time tryin to get someone banned eh.wrong wrong wrong.



Unknown, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

I may not be in this but that guy i dont want him on our guys sight if he starts to do that so I dont say ban him but when he does start doing that then you can ban him because that is anoying and childish that all i have to say
Peace out!

KingofKings.jpg if you can see this your dead!

Jed-Chrizt, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

Trying to get me banned on THIS site? but seriously guys, I haven't flamed NO ONE HERE! None! It would be plain unfair! I love this site, I cherish it, I don't appreciate what this member is trying to do, she's directly flaming me and posing a BAN for nothing I commited. Remember, this is AVP2, NOT ALP!
Edit: King of Kings.
I would never do that, I LOVE this site, note I've never flamed everyone here yet! I've been registered here for years, and made my first debut posts in 2006. I plan to be a good person here, the atmosphere itself is just smoothing enough, thanks.


"Dikana, let them hate, as long as they fear"

Unknown, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

duly noted chief.i'd pay no attention to the banning request.sounds to me like someone has a grudge.anyway,as long as you stick to the rules then all will be fine.have fun buddy



Jed-Chrizt, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

You bet! I am sticking to the rules :). I've monitored this site for years, I like it.

Jedhiun.png "Dikana, let them hate, as long as they fear"

Iseijin, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

You`re right. I apologize. Jed has done nothing wrong here and it is my fault for trying to get him in trouble when he has yet to fault in another site. I was just, well, upset. Terribly upset. I hope you understand my need to back up a friend, even when you have to take a bullet yourself. Hell, what happens to me is my problem, the words - right or wrong - come from my own mouth drowned in my own emotions, but what happens to Sara...well, it's more personal. I care for my friend very much, and will indeed take one bullet or ten for her.

Jed, I'm not saying sorry, but I will get off your case in So long as you're here, you can consider this your sanctuary where I will not touch you, but should I ever find you on another site I may just actually stoop down to your level just so I can rip you a new one. One bullet from you or ten, buddy.

Again, my apologies goes out to the rest. Sorry to interrupt the flow of the site.


navyspaz, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

Jed that sig is too big ^. Remove it.

And I haven't been active for the last couple weeks, so I have no clue whats going on :S.

.::Messageboard Rules and RPG Information::.

Unknown, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

now thats better( i think)wow u 2 must have some history!!!!anyway glad its benn sorted.



Jed-Chrizt, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

To the one whoever started this:: That's where your wrong, you have NO idea who your dealing with, trust me. If you think you can ever brake me, you have another thing coming. :) Er my sig is too big? :(


Iseijin, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

Not sorted; far from it. In fact, this is merely the beginning. We do not have a history, as I have only met him on this level today, but I think now we might have - whether we want to or not.

Indeed, I hate him now. Yet that gives me no right to bash him here; not on AvP2. He's safe here, and I respect his lack of warnings in this forum. Just be warned of his actions.


Unknown, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

hey hey hey what was that i thought we got this sorted now cool down i read that responce jed what did that mean?

KingofKings.jpg if you can see this your dead!

Unknown, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

ok but why keep on about it.if you dont like him then stop posting.its all gonna go off if u the bigger person.



Jed-Chrizt, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

Take it to ALP. I'm waiting.
The response meant:: I've dealt with way 'tougher' people than missy here.
ALP if you want to 'argue' online with me. (lol)
Close topic! :)


Unknown, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

harrigan your right you guys have to stop this or like jed said go on a different site and talk about this

KingofKings.jpg if you can see this your dead!

Unknown, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

cool it people.lets not get the mods involved.if u got a beef with someone,take it one wants anyone to get warnings here so chill out.



Unknown, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

exactlly cool it lol nice job harrigan *high fives* and plz take it seriously

KingofKings.jpg if you can see this your dead!