Hey Gaunt (Picture of your alien character)

Biorex98, Xenomorph, 13 years ago


I've allways imagined you look like this.

PREDATORv2, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

Haha, thats one hell of a chestburster!

DrDiabloSatan, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

Epic... pure epicness

kingalien387, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

man i will scream if i see that coming to me and tring to eat me.

Gaunt, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

WOAH!!! This is one hell of a surprise!

Biorex, man, this is the second piece of fan art that's based on me (the first being my current sig, which I have had for many years).

Honestly man this picture has blown my mind!! You've portrayed Gaunt in a form that I never fully explored or developed, it is both impressive and an amazement for me to see such a thing (the muscular arms make me giggle).

This is by far the most EPIC piece of art I have ever recieved, VERY AWESOME!!

Thank you soo much man, it's such a great picture, I love it. It has been clear that you have alot of artistic talent and potential, and with your permission I would like to use this picture for my signature.

Biorex98, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

I didn't realy draw it, I found it and made some changes, but you can use it for what ever you want.

Deathdrop, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

Huh. I've seen this piece of art before, I never knew you drew it.

Gaunt, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

Ahah, I see.

Well either way it's still a great picture, it reminds me of all the potential that's available when it comes to the self personification and personalisation of a Xenomorph, the possibilities are seemingly endless.

I thank you for bringing this picture to light, sometimes you need reminders.

Waralien, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

Hey Bio, do you do requests?

Biorex98, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

I could start:)

bloodstriker, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

Can you draw me?Or find a picture you think i look like my character i mean.

Waralien, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

I'd like to request one as well

Biorex98, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

I'll try.

Deathdrop, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

Biorex, if you didn't draw the picture, please make that very clear from the get-go and give credit to whoever did.