
dark-blade, Undefined, 17 years ago

Why is it that in most games I have played fire does a lot of damage to predator? I thought they liked heat.

DeathWraith, Undefined, 17 years ago

I like heat too, but fire still does alot of damage to me. Fire is the result of carbon molecules combining with oxigen molecules resulting in carbon dioxide and a release of energy in the form of heat and light. It's not the fire that burns you, it's the chemical reaction resulting in fire.

Venom, Undefined, 17 years ago

Well, Predators are used to a humid and warm climate. I mean for example say a lizard loves basking in the sun right keeping it warm and active, you put fire on the poor bugger and hes gunna squirm and roast. Predators arn't immune to fire they just like a warm climate, it keeps them active and keeps the blood flowing.

Now in AVP they were in a very cold climate, Antartica right? so why were they running round like theres no tommorow? my answer is that the netting that the predator wears isn't just for cloaking itself, it keeps the predator warm, almost like a portable heating system.

Well i hope that helped you out mate.

shadowatching, Undefined, 17 years ago

DeathWraith=-growls- thanks for that special way of explaining.

yautja's are used to heat, not fire itself. Just the heat of the said fire. if you seen the second avp movie, yo ucan see, that they live on top of volcanic stuff.

Karo, Undefined, 17 years ago

"I like heat too, but fire still does a lot of damage to me." lol that was soo good DeathWraith, nuf said for this discussion right there