17 years ago
Haven't heard this question in a while...but my answer is still the same. There is no possibility for a single alien to take down over 100 predators on its own, & it was quite clear that there were that many inside the ship, as there were dozens at the climax of AVP. It seems to completely belittle the predators when this question is asked in my opinion, it's as if they're viewed as the herd of sheep unknowingly about to be picked off by the wolf in their midst.
What people don't take into consideration is that they're predators, one of the deadliest species in the galaxy, able to slay aliens in their teenage years, so saying that a single predalien could kill over several dozen of them is completely unrealistic in my opinion, whether it ambushed them or not.
The only way that single predalien would've been able to actually put the ship in severe danger would be if it were to ambush a single predator & "infect" it, turning it into a super-facehugger egg, much like what happened to Brett in the Director's Cut of Alien. If this happened, the alien population could steadily increase inside the ship, although by this point, the predators would've more than likely figured out that something was wrong, & would start trying to track down the creatures.