do you think the new Species predators was a good idea?

avp-extinction, Yautja, 14 years ago

i liked the new predators but i did not like how they made them stronger then the original predator and that their are two new Species of predator

dying is nothing, hunting is everything

DeathWraith, Yautja, 14 years ago

They're not different species, just a different race. And of course they made them stronger, what would be the point in coming up with a new, less challanging, weaker enemy?

avp-extinction, Yautja, 14 years ago

Its not that they should have made them weaker I'm just saying in all the movies the original predator was top killer and i thought that the predator would kick that new predators a$$ or at least a better fight scene with Royce actually helping him kill it

dying is nothing, hunting is everything

Lucifer, Yautja, 14 years ago

eh there probably same damn thing. just because this type of ant is bigger and more bad ass than this ant dosent mean there not obth ants =/ .. thousands of years of probably being " diffrent tribes" and possibly a diffrent planet just made them become diffrent over time...

BloodHarpy, Yautja, 14 years ago

Yeah I have the same thought as Noland. It think it’s just different clans. Different clans different looks and different strategies.

predatorgirl, Yautja, 14 years ago



Gaunt, Yautja, 14 years ago

I thought the predators in Predator were fine, Wasn't the big leader one whats called a 'Beast' in the Pred species or something?

Shadowwall, Yautja, 14 years ago

The new predators are a good change. They think of them as superieur to the normal ones. Kinda looks like that too but it gives some more tension in the predator society.

predatorgirl, Yautja, 14 years ago

i dont like them, they have a
fish head (not abusing fish) and
looks like someones thrown bleach
in ther eyes!
when i went to go and see the film
i was expeting a really cool looking new
predator but in stead i see this.
the only thing thats cool about them
is there bigger and stronger.
the ending was the best!

did you no theres going to be another predator
film. i hope we see more of there planet
and at least a female one

predahound, Yautja, 13 years ago

it looked bad ass whith the mask on, but when i saw its face i just couldn't stand it, really creepy and i though the original predator would win.

FireHunter, Yautja, 13 years ago

I thought the new predators looked pretty good, recognisable, but different, just as there's a difference between races in the human species, there are differences between races in the predators.

I think the movie really brought out the theory of Darwinian evolution (Any creationists here, hold the hate). With the new predators actually being more suited to hunting than the original, which was intended to make them frightening (I didn't find them frightening, I don't tend to find sci-fi creatures frightening).

As for the fish-head of the new predators, if you look at all the different races on Earth, you'll see slight differences in head shape/facial structure and so on. So the different, creepy appearance of the new predator really makes sense to me, and I hold my belief that it was a very good idea.

predahound, Yautja, 13 years ago

when i first saw the new predator i thought on a runner (some kind of mutation) dunno why but i did and i thought on the darwin thing too but with aliens -_-u

Deathdrop, Yautja, 13 years ago

I tend to think of the Berserkers as a different species rather than a different race; the whole structure of the skull is completely different to any other Pred we've seen thus far.

Remember, there were multiple species of humans at one point before they all died off; things just turned out differently on the Pred homeworld.

Mebber, Yautja, 13 years ago

Yeah, their look and structure is really quite different from a standard predator. I think they're another species too.
I liked the movie, but i don't like this idea of a new race of "superpredators", it reduces the original predators to something less. I had the impression that the "standard" predator in Predators was portrayed as overall inferior to the new ones. The idea of an internal conflict in the pred society was good, but i'd prefer if it would just be an conflict between different tribes and not between different species.

predahound, Yautja, 13 years ago

maybe BUT maybe is like DARWIN'S FINCHES they adapted and they changed a lil bit

Deathdrop, Yautja, 13 years ago

That's what we were saying, yes.

supersonicman96, Yautja, 13 years ago

I kind of liked the concept of it.

BananaAlienKing, Yautja, 13 years ago

They are a good addition in my opinion.They look pretty cool too.

jaguargod, Yautja, 13 years ago

I think the new Predators were a good idea, but I think that the execution of the idea is where it went wrong. And I don't really agree that they are all that different or necessarily superior. The regluar Predator was able to control their ship, so they obviously share a common technology. I think it is more likely that they are just a group of socially deviant Predators (perhaps a different race, but not species) who get their thrills by terrorizing and brutalizing their prey. As far as being superior, the regular Predator had been injured, hung up for who knows how long, and probably starved. By the time that Royce released him, he would have been exhausted. He was still able to give the Berzerker a good fight for a while, and had they been on equal footing, I think the outcome would have been different. I also think this is supported by the fact that one original Predator took out multiple units of elite military personnel, rather than 3 new Predators being unable to defeat one group of unorganized mercenaries/assassins.