12 years ago
Never thought about this battery idea before, but it sounds interesting, especially if you belong to those people who like to see the xenos more as biomechanical hybrids than pure biological lifeforms. As for the science matter, i generally enjoy science-fiction where the first word of the genre name is actually really kept in mind, but i tend to be a bit clement in that department in the alien franchise - after all, they're completely alien, and it's a nice thought they might be something we can't really comprehend, or function in a way our current scientific knowledge would actually call impossible. After all, science is something which reinvents itself regularly.
I don't think they would actually eat stones, but maybe they can excrete some acid in some way to dissolve matter outside of their body. Sadly, my chemistry knowledge is quite limited. I do not really know very much about acids, bases, how they work and that stuff. But something i believe to vaguely remember from chemistry class for example is that if you dissolve certain metals with acid, you actually produce some friable mineral salts in the process. Don't pin me down on that, because i actually never liked it in school, and it was way back anyway. But after all, nothing in nature really disappears, the stuff just transforms into something else. So my main thought was that the xeno would use it's acid to dissolve some massive matter outside of it's body and consume the remains.
As for the xenos beeing true carnivores, wouldn't that be a major problem for them? They need living hosts to reproduce, if they also base their diet mainly on animals and the like, they would have to split their prey. Considering they're meant to be an almost perfect species, that sounds somehow not very effective. Maybe they could be carrion eaters and eat the hosts after they're dead.
I think for the sake of effectiveness it would be more likely they're omnivores with a great variety of possible diets. Adaptability and a broad field of possible diets increases a species chances of survival, just think of those damn rats and cockroaches.