Freya, Undefined, 19 years ago

I want to know if anyone have ever heard something about predators' DNA..?
It would be very intresting to know what kind of DNA they have.. lol

Freya, Undefined, 19 years ago

WTF.. sorry that was my comps fault.. aaargh.. lol

davii008, Undefined, 19 years ago

they breath methane...but that isnt dna lol

...erm...lol i dnt know anythin about DNA but i know about their windpipe lmao

i will slaughter predators whether young,old,female or male...
fear is a curse...its time we used it as a weapon...

Unknown, Undefined, 19 years ago

I doubt that there is anything on the web about Predator DNA.

predatoress, Undefined, 19 years ago

Well, this is just my imagination but I've heard theories about triple DNA and stuff. But I think they doesn't necessarily even have DNA (deoxiribonuclein acid) but their heritage is passed by some other mechanism and molecule.


The servant and the observer of Balatu

Kingdom of Predators

Kingdom of Predators Forum

Freya, Undefined, 19 years ago

that's interesting.. lol..

davii008, Undefined, 19 years ago

nice sig!!

maybe they have mechaical box thingies that hold memories, lol that sounds bad....erm....maybe when they are taught the code of honour they are taught by the....erm....??FATHERS??

i will slaughter predators whether young,old,female or male...I THINK IM IN LOVE!!