10 years ago
@FH: Nice, then I'm close to being done with your guy's development, then. And is it just me, or is that just a beefed up Berserker Predator...
@CH: Hmm, skill wise, I guess my CH is the "Mario" of the 7 Elders.
By which I mean, he's really good at everything, but he's not the best at anything in particular. Still, he's special because of his "royal" status, and because of his relatively young age compared to the other 6, he's a lot more active on the field rather than behind the scenes, mostly because he hates making really huge decisions that might have negative longterm effects. He only received his Elder status a few days before the Predator homeworld (and his clan's government) went to shit, so while he knows his duties, he has far less experience in being an Elder than everyone else, which secretly makes him... jealous, or maybe frustrated, if jealous isn't the right word.
He doesn't know what to think of the humans. He just doesn't attack them because he's fiercely loyal to Doc and Pv2, who want to protect humans (not for the sake of protecting them, but for the sake of not letting the Engineers win). CH has taken a liking to the younger Elders like DD Jr and Wolf (Cory), but initially, he's on bad or neutral terms with the really old guys, Stalker and Black Warrior.
Other things about CH's personality: He's a fast thinker, making him perfect for field missions the other Elders don't want to go on. On the outside, he displays a lot of energy, which I guess makes him an extrovert. He never bothered to learn any human languages, so he uses a translator. He enjoys being active and often hunts when he's got free time, which none of the other Elders do. He's quick to take action, and he's not initially open to new ideas (although he will warm up to them in the future if he thinks about them long enough).
The biggest thing is that he's obsessed with tradition because, as an Elder that belongs to the same family that descended from Cetanu, it's his duty to conserve and protect the true ways of his culture - thus, growing up, he's been conditioned to think and act like an Elder would have thousands of years before his time. (Other clans' definition of "Elder" have evolved and the old way is disappearing, so yeah.)
However, being one of the youngest Elders ever, he doesn't necessarily agree with the thoughts of his forefathers. He wants to be free to believe in his own beliefs without being ridiculed for it, and so his character arc is about him overcoming family ties; it's about him keeping certain parts of tradition because HE wants to, not because it's what others think is proper of him.
CH was actually supposed to be a Bad Blood - same with DD. They were both kicked out of their clans; DD for being an "illegitimate family member," and CH for "being a disgrace."
@DW: I could see how they could still be the same person though. Hmm, maybe when he's not dealing with the general public/politicians/etc, he's informal in the way he speaks. Not because he's fake, but because he doesn't feel like being friendly with people he doesn't respect.
I mean, even when he is formal, he'd still manage to get in a sarcastic comment or quip since, like I said, he's always tongue in cheek - mostly because he doesn't respect a lot of politicians, military leaders, or people in general. The few he does get a long with are people he sought to meet himself. In other words, I guess his closest colleagues or friends aren't people he met by accident. Even then, I don't think he has any real friends during my story. Lucifer is dead at the beginning. Actually, his death sets up the beginning.
Anyway, my Xeuss has lived for centuries by this point, so your pirate backstory can probably fit no problem. The DBO in my story is a very recent creation... like, it's probably only 12 years old by the beginning of the story. The DBO's young age, together with the fact that he's not fond of a lot of people, is also the reason why my DBO is really small compared to groups like Alpha Draconis.
About ENTJs getting along - I don't remember the cloning thing, but that's good since the one who takes over Lucifer's position is the ENTJ character I was talking about.