Biorex's Xenomorph

Biorex98, Xenomorph, 13 years ago


What do you guys think?

666, Xenomorph, 13 years ago


FireHunter, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

Very nice, Biorex, keep it up!

badapple24, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

That... is...

Deathdrop, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

The dome is different, but in a good way. Nice work.

concretehunter, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

Im really liking the ridges on the dome, Very very nice

Biorex98, Xenomorph, 13 years ago


This is what it would look like if Dinosaurs and Xenomrphs had to fight for food.

Gaunt, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

Very nice and comical, I love the idea of Xenos fighting Dinos.

Does anyone else notice that the artistic talent just increased in this site?

-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

I like your alien. It's less bio-mechanical and more grotesque abomination. Which they've grown more to be in recent incarnations, so that can be a good look.

I'd submit more drawings but I don't have that great of a scanner.

Biorex98, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

Do you guys have any suggestions?

Gaunt, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

Does your Xenomorph have other definative features? (i.e. what you've shown us with its custom dome).

A bodily sketch of your Xenomorph perhaps?

-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

I'd like to see that as well. This is your RPG character, right? If it is, what sort of suggestions do you mean? Aesthetics are fine, so unless it has the ability to breathe fire, I wouldn't worry about whether or not your own interpretation is "right."

kingalien387, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

i like it,release the aliens! and yes i can see it now a.v.d aliens vs dinosaurs it will be a big hit a tell you a big hit.and i got the best story ever like say that the alien leader gets inside of a black hole and ends up back in time.and for all of the aliens to survive they will have to fight the dinosaurs to eat and breed.and at the end a facehugger will go on a dinosaurs face and will make a ultimate alien!

Biorex98, Xenomorph, 13 years ago


This is my Xenomorph.

Biorex98, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

What do you think?

Gaunt, Xenomorph, 13 years ago


You've done well with the custom dome (it's good, makes him more of an individual).

You have done a wonderful job creating its body, those arms, WOW!

Do I see barbs on the end of his tail? Either way I like the tails design.

Well done :)

Biorex98, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

Thank you!

Biorex98, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

and the tail is barbed.

Biorex98, Xenomorph, 13 years ago


This is a Drone that I had drawn. I tried to make it look bio-mechanical.

BananaAlienKing, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

Nice drawings. Beats my skills by a 100 times.

Biorex98, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Should I keep posting my creations or not? I have a bunch more I just didn't know if you guys wanted me to keep posting them.