AVP eggs.

daveberg, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

ok, the sacraficial chamber was the place where the alien eggs would rise up and appear in the 'dishes' next to the hosts. soooo...how did so many eggs wind up littering the whole room near the end of the film? only certain eggs were used from the queen as the others were transported into a furnace and destroyed....

fill in the blanks with your thoughts....

darkness of acheron

daveberg, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

i'll try using the hair dryer on it....

darkness of acheron

Topdogg, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

put it in the airing cuboard mate it should dry out in the morning

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daveberg, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

i had one of those maps but i spilt stella all over it....

darkness of acheron

Topdogg, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

now were can i get me one of those maps would come in handy on the way home on a friday night

think they put her so it was in a controlled space so the aliens can run havoc in the rest of the chamber

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daveberg, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

if you look closely though to the predators holographic map - the queens chamber was actually underneath the whole pyramid.....

darkness of acheron

Iseijin, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

Well, the entire pyramid changes every ten minutes, maybe the 'conveyor belt' changed too and all the rest of the eggs were dropped off without regard of where they landed.

~ No one is taller than the last man standing ~
~ Males conquer, females rule ~

Topdogg, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

preds put them there before hand so they could trap the humans

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daveberg, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

thats what i thought, but, from the way it seemed, the drones had not yet had contact with the queen so i'm curious as to how the eggs got there.

darkness of acheron

Topdogg, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

i think its because they were ther first aliens on the seen so they could gather host's to use when the queen was still laying her eggs, the preds were supposed to take control so that she would only produce a certain amount for the hunt but things went wrong like in flash back when theres three preds on top of the pyromid and all them aliens are climbing up (great scene) thats my two cents

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Unknown, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

isnt it possible for the drones.. to take the eggs and place them some place else? Maybe the queen continued laying eggs. and before the could fall into the furace. the drones would pic them up.. and just take all of them to a different room.

Here... Take it!

Unknown, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

i think they were littered everywhere becuase the queen was freed already. hmm if not the drones could have moved them, instinct.

hyroglphsarenice, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

srry for waste of space but its to bump down freakos posts

(for simplistic use just call me hyro)

hyroglphsarenice, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

restoring order of forms srry for waste of space

(for simplistic use just call me hyro)