Answers to all questions!

Skelitore, Undefined, 17 years ago

During this past week I have been coming onto this website because of the new AVP movie. And it seems to me that all of the blogs that everyone is posting is just absolute stupidity. Like in the late 70's the first Alien movie was created. Then in the late 80's the first Predator movie came out. And i think that all you guys are just getting toooo much into this whole thing, like if Xenomorph's are female and Predators are come on, they're both just some characters that star in movies. THEY AREN'T REAL!!!

(I just think that everyone on here just has too much time on their hands)


-Bloo-, Undefined, 17 years ago

Well, I'm not going to disagree with you. Many of the debates on this site CAN be ridiculous but many of us fans like to learn more about their favorite creature, which I have nothing against either.
But this board (just like other fansites) just proves that these creatures are fascinating to the point that a variety of people want to discuss them as if they were real.
And these two creatures ARE interesting because they're a lot more original than the stuff that comes out these days.

It's just like dragons. We have no proof that they're real but the whole world is fascinated by the things. They have even created different types and species and there are tales of them yet they aren't real.
Think about that.

DeathWraith, Undefined, 17 years ago

But dragons are legendary creatures, these are just movie characters, anyway, perfect, i won't disagree with the subleader.

In any case, you, guy whose nickname i didn't bother to read, will find that most people here actually think much faster and have way better senses of humour than yourself, are also alot more creative and better in many way at almost anything you can think of, because we think alot more about thigs that aren't actually useful in most situations than you do, and you just can't seem to understand why we do this, whereas WE do, though i myself am not actually sure about that, but i don't really care. And you're right, i really do have too much free time, for example right now, as i'm writing this post, i'm also eating, making a fire, preparing to go to the doctor's and talking to my girlfriend on the phone, and because i am able to do so many things at the same time because i am so much better than you in almost every way you can think of, i have alot of free time, whereas you are a very busy guy and are always unhappy and your girlfriend/wife will probably dump you this thursday if she has't already. If you have kids, they hate that damn beard of yours!

Thank you for taking some time of your busy schedule to read this!

Skelitore, Undefined, 17 years ago

Busy? Wat the fuck man? True, I don't really spend a whole lot of time at home is becos im always out, and i like it, i like that me mates and me misses can jsut chill out, have a few drinks and laugh. While your sitting at home on the computer looking up facts of movie characters....Its pretty fuckin' rediculous to be honest. But i dont kno wat country of the world u are in but in Aus' we like to go out every nite of the week and party, then wake up for work the next mornin', get it over and done with and then party again. Simple!

And fuck dude, I'm only 18, and I am ashamed of myself becos that I'm 18 and talking on the fuckin' internet.

DeathWraith, Undefined, 17 years ago

Then you have some personality issues, you probably need proffessional help... Keep beig ashamed of yourself, you look great in that position.

x_saysell, Undefined, 17 years ago

Well if you are so ashamed why dont you delete your account and go live your "life" and forget about all the people who CASUALY use this site (i say casualy 'cause there is no one who sits lookin at this site 24/7)

'cause you obviously have no intrest in either of the franchies and are only here to heckle users cause trouble and genraly be a pain in the arse (pardon my french)

So do us all a big favour and leave

P.S the majority of points convayed on this site are opinions and backed up with evidence from the movies so please gather your information before you go ahend and pass judgment

predator428, Undefined, 17 years ago

Do you have anything better to do than hassle complete strangers? God good, you call us pathetic because we like to have intelligent disscusions with people from all over the world yet you spend your time insulting people over the internet. You must have a fascinating social life.

The-Wolf, Undefined, 17 years ago

Does this guy have any proof that all the people here do nothing but spend time on here? Sure there's some kids on here but for the most part its just dicussing these creatures and the movies for fun.

Just because we talk about these creatures on here doesn't mean we don't have lives. I think everyone here has lives off the computer and party just like you. I know I do. I come here just for the fun of talking about some of my favorite movies and monsters. It doesn't consume my life at all. Just for the fun of it. My question is, why the hell did you come here? Whats your point anyways?

Deathdrop, Undefined, 17 years ago

If you're so embarased to be online, get off. It's not complicated. No one thinks aliens or preds are real; I don't know how you got the idea that anyone did.

I don't think anyone on here takes AvP 100% seriously. We all seem to understand that these are sci-fi movies with a certain goofy "logic" to them that can be expanded upon. It is a bit stupid to discuss the reproduction of an alien, but there's also a kind of demented fun in asking questions like that.

No one on here stikes me as being fanboy-ish. We're one of the less intense AvP sites in my opinion, and I've certainly seen worse from other fandoms (Star Wars fans and Trekkies, to name a few).

Skelitore, Undefined, 17 years ago


The-Wolf, Undefined, 17 years ago

Thats funny to say to a bunch of strangers you've never seen before.

Get it over with and ban this dickhead.

-Bloo-, Undefined, 17 years ago

What passes as a nerd these days anyway? Talking like you have an expanded vocabulary? Knowing things that others don't? I'd rather be a nerd than some guy who goes around fansites insulting people.

I like spending time with my friends and having as much fun as the next guy, but that doesn't mean I can't like these "ridiculous" movies too. Sure I like sci-fi. That doesn't mean I don't like sports and other things considered "manly," which I actually do and I'm sure everyone else on this site can say the same.

Stop wasting your time convincing yourself that all of us are a bunch of losers without lives. By insulting us one day and coming back the next to see who replied, I'd say you're the loser without a life who probably thinks big of himself.

That was also a very mature comeback, guy who claims to be older than most of us on here.

Kidd, Undefined, 17 years ago

I think this Topic is better off being Locked. -nods-

I am not going to add my two cents worth either, because I don't need to. I agree with the people who have been coming to this site.
Anyway, this Topic deserves to be Lock because it is getting too Hostile.

Skelitore, Undefined, 17 years ago

I reakon its just funny how all u guys can just fire up over somethin very little. lol

Skelitore, Undefined, 17 years ago

I reakon its just funny how all u guys can just fire up over somethin very little. lol

DeathWraith, Undefined, 17 years ago

It's even funnier how you really think we care about some piece of bird shit like yourself... Look at it like this: we are all nerds to you. But you're just another loser... and to many people... You are one... just one... little... loser... You're dumb and you're bragging about it. I'm frankly surprised that you can spell most words right (only most of them, don't let it get to your head, like you do with sperm and the likes). But seriously, we don't give a shit, the reason we put so much time in posting in this topic is probably because there aren't many interesting topics to post in. If there were, your topic would get locked right away. But lucky you, there aren't, and you are taking it up the ass. You like it, don't you? It's ok to tell your parents, i'm sure they were convinced you'd be gay the moment that doctor spanked you on your birthday. Go take your best friends hand and place it where it belongs, inside your rectum.
Ooooook, if this post of mine continues i risk getting a warning from the mods heheh... Right, it was pretty refreshing and entertaining to throw trash at someone without putting much thought into it, thanks for the opportunity. Now enjoy your gay adventures and remember, whatever you say, you're still a loser. That's what you should live by.

EDIT: lol if only RPG posts were as easy to write as this... i wonder if there's a page on uncyclopedia about dumbasses like this guy? (no offense, but you really are dumb and your face probably looks like an ass - a man's ass, not a woman's ass, which is why you like to gaze at it in the mirror so much and why you like to spank it every-so-eften, when you're happy or when you're upset - don't be ashamed to admit it, you're a dumbass - yes, a dumbass, not an asshole, your mouth is an asshole - and you are also gay)

Skelitore, Undefined, 17 years ago

ahh yeh watever tough man, you're only saying all that shit becos we're not face to face. Now I'm not saying that I'm a six foot black guy that plays NFL, but dude, you're a pussy.

I'd like to see u say all that shit face to face with someone.

DeathWraith, Undefined, 17 years ago

DAMN WAS I SURE YOU WERE GONNA SAY EXACTELY THAT!! HOW AWESOME AM I AND HOW PREDICTALBE ARE YOU, HUH??? I'll post a video on youtube for you then. But it'll probably be in romanian so you won't understand a thing, but whatever... You don't really think before you say something, huh? Just like me, gratz. But now i just re-read the rules and they say "bla bla bla, continuing bla bla bla warning or possibly a ban" which basically means that i should be warned right now and possibly banned, because i appearantely insulted you and you appearantely ARE a member, even though completely useless (like in real life, i'm sure), so if i continue this i should get even moreso banned.

But i am just wondering, what kind of pussy am i, the kind with ears and fur, or the kind with a clitoris? That question's been bothering me all day. Even though i read the comment just now.

FireHunter, Undefined, 17 years ago

JUST SHUT YOUR TRAPS!!, this is just ridiculous! no need to start pointing out the things that neither of you know about each other, can a mod please lock the damn topic, it's hellishly hostile in here, and someones going to get hurt.

The-Wolf, Undefined, 17 years ago

I don't see how this is funny to you. You didn't fire anybody up about something little. The only thing people might be bothered about is that you're not banned. Not because you insulted anyone, but because you tried to.

What I think is funny is you're going to forums and telling members to say things to your face. Thats funny.

Otherwise, I'm done with this thread. Don't even bother replying to me unless you want to show how much of a loser you are.

darkwolfofhate77, Undefined, 17 years ago

listen dude.I am akid and frankly.U R PISSIN ME OFF!!!.I get on because i like to talk to these people because we have somethin we like and we talk about it.My freinds at school make fun of me for this but i get on because they actually care about some things i SAY.