What i meant with the right click thing is that when i have my alien crosshair on an enemy, if it's close enough to be hit by the tail but is moving around too fast and would normally dodge it, then the alien will turn around on its own with the crosshair fixed on the enemy and from then on i can let it follow on its own, because if the enemy will walk backwards he'll me slow enough to be followed by the alien until he gets hit by the tail, i don't know how to explain it otherwise.
And about humans being weak, saysell says he wins as human a lot, but there were no humans winning while i played, i don't know. And if you ever wanna pull the numbers arguement on aliens again, you should think that this is a deathmatch and at least on the PC version, we aliens kill eachother like there's no tomorrow. I don't know, if humans wanna group up like idiots like i've seen them do, in the hope that no one will kill them and that way they either still get killed or no one attacks them and they don't get any kills...