15 years ago
"I don't like getting on the walls though, cos i don't exactly understand the range of the tail and claws so i just like to walk right up in front of people, tail and claw them."
Yeah see, I don't exactly like going right up in front because this will get me killed most of the time. Staying on ceilings and getting a good pounce on an enemy is alot better as it weakens them enough to be finished with 1-2 claw swipes (so you don't have to know the range of the claw/tail).
"Actually no, preds take three hits to kill (tail + two claws) and i've seen some preds hit me so hard that i couldn't even hit back and i as dead before even getting the chance to do anything. Also THAT FUCKIGN SMART DISK!"
Once again, a pounce will let you finish them off in 1-2 swipes. Most of the Preds I play against use only light attacks, so blocking works wonders.
But I agree, Smart Discs are annoying.
"Another thing i gotta contradict you on, most times that marines killed me was because they pushed me back and shot me while i was still getting back on my feet."
This is where the whole pounce thing again come to good use. It does alot of damage, and most of the time, the ones I fight against only try to back up and shoot after receiving that much damage.
I mean, maybe because I suck at Marines but my record was (all games had 8 people):
Marines: 2 kills, 7th place (get caught by surprise)
Predators: 7 kills, 4 place (5 by using discs)
Aliens: 18 kills, 1st place (huge difference here)