Aliens Vs Predator DEMO

celtic102, Yautja, 15 years ago

The much vaunted multiplayer demo for Aliens VS Predator is now available on Xbox LIVE and PlayStation Network, having already leaked out a little earlier today on Steam.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 15 years ago

Yea, just torrented it right now, gonna try it in a moment meh...

EDIT1: It made me install Steam... I'm... i'm scared... i get these pictures and messages telling me to... gulp... buy games... i... why is it doing this...

EDIT2: The controls look like shit.

EDIT3: This is pretty good, at least with the alien. I just won a match =D

cleticyautja, Yautja, 15 years ago

im just downloadin it.God it takes forever!!

DeathWraith, Yautja, 15 years ago

I have no idea how a match gets created or how to change wht class i am, but i join a game and i'm alien and that's good enough for me =D

cleticyautja, Yautja, 15 years ago

just my bad luck.The game aint workin every time i try to launch it it keeps comin up with this pre-order thing.can i hav some help please?

DeathWraith, Yautja, 15 years ago

uh... It works fine for me, i played for an hour and a half before getting bored. What they did to walwalking in this demo at least, is not alright.

I gotta say i'm pretty satisfied with it, the jumping system could be better but whatever. I'd like to be able to play on my own to test key combinations more but i can wait.

celtic102, Yautja, 15 years ago

i tried it out on the pc and ps3. the ps3 one took me forever to find a game but i tried out all the classes.

The predator has cloaking ability, claws, 2 vision modes and a sprint. when u press the button for focus mode u can choose a location to jump to. also by holding focus it shows u locations for extra weapons.
there is a pickup to use the plasma caster, its ok.
u can pick up a Combi-Stick which is modelled after the one in AVP. you can only throw it. u can also get Shurikens. there are possibly more but these are all i found from playing.
predator trophy kills are awesome. humans include :
stabbing in the throat and ripping head out with spinal cord attached,cutting in half and slitting throats open
the only alien trophy i seen was ripping out its second mouth.

the aliens are pretty fun, they move slower than AVP2 and when u jump at a surface will automaticlly stick to it. u have a tail attack which i guess is for attacking people from the ceiling or coming up behind them, u can hiss and scratch. the alien has an advantage because it can see auras of living beings. the trophy kills i have seen are using second mouth to impale head and stab through bodies.

the marines are like a typical fps. they have a motion tracker as a map and works well. they have a torch and start off with a pulse rifle. u can pick up a shotgun which is pretty sweet. the best round i played was with the marine, they just seem to be able to kill things better.

i also seen a section for choose costumes...the predator had an option for Wolf but was locked. cant wait to see it!

definatly getting it for my ps3. :D

DeathWraith, Yautja, 15 years ago

There is no such thing as shuriken, it's the Smartdisk. The good one, from AvP1, not the one from AvP2 that turned like a bus. And wtf is that about aliens moving slow, they don't move slow at all, they're actually the fastest in the game.

TDN, Yautja, 15 years ago

Been playing the Demo on Steam for a while now. I must say, this game's looking extremely good. It's flawed (the controls could be better, graphics aren't up to par with today's games), but it's one of the most enjoyable multiplayer I've played until now.

I fucking love playing as the Aliens. Most of the time I'm on ceilings or walls, which is great because for some reason no one ever look up. And now that they're even faster, have longer ranged pounces and auto-lock with their damaging meeles, they're going to be my favorite race.

Predators are my 2nd choice. They may not be as agile as Aliens and will probably lose to Aliens in meele combat. But they make up for it with alot of cheap instant kill weapons (discs, plasma caster and spear).

Sadly Marines seems to have gotten the shaft, as to me they're the weakest. They're blind most of the time and move too slow compared to they other 2 races. I like their weapons, but their lack in meele is hurting them here.

Also, anyone get the feeling that health packs are kind of useless here?

DeathWraith, Yautja, 15 years ago

" fucking love playing as the Aliens. Most of the time I'm on ceilings or walls, which is great because for some reason no one ever look up."

I look up heh. I don't like getting on the walls though, cos i don't exactly understand the range of the tail and claws so i just like to walk right up in front of people, tail and claw them. It's very effective.

" They may not be as agile as Aliens and will probably lose to Aliens in meele combat."

Actually no, preds take three hits to kill (tail + two claws) and i've seen some preds hit me so hard that i couldn't even hit back and i as dead before even getting the chance to do anything. Also THAT FUCKING SMART DISK!

"I like their weapons, but their lack in meele is hurting them here."

Another thing i gotta contradict you on, most times that marines killed me was because they pushed me back and shot me while i was still getting back on my feet. Saying this from alien perspective. But is it just me lagging, or are the marine's bullets extremely slow?

And you gotta take into consideration that this is just a demo, they may optimize a lot of things til they release.

TDN, Yautja, 15 years ago

"I don't like getting on the walls though, cos i don't exactly understand the range of the tail and claws so i just like to walk right up in front of people, tail and claw them."

Yeah see, I don't exactly like going right up in front because this will get me killed most of the time. Staying on ceilings and getting a good pounce on an enemy is alot better as it weakens them enough to be finished with 1-2 claw swipes (so you don't have to know the range of the claw/tail).

"Actually no, preds take three hits to kill (tail + two claws) and i've seen some preds hit me so hard that i couldn't even hit back and i as dead before even getting the chance to do anything. Also THAT FUCKIGN SMART DISK!"

Once again, a pounce will let you finish them off in 1-2 swipes. Most of the Preds I play against use only light attacks, so blocking works wonders.

But I agree, Smart Discs are annoying.

"Another thing i gotta contradict you on, most times that marines killed me was because they pushed me back and shot me while i was still getting back on my feet."

This is where the whole pounce thing again come to good use. It does alot of damage, and most of the time, the ones I fight against only try to back up and shoot after receiving that much damage.

I mean, maybe because I suck at Marines but my record was (all games had 8 people):
Marines: 2 kills, 7th place (get caught by surprise)
Predators: 7 kills, 4 place (5 by using discs)
Aliens: 18 kills, 1st place (huge difference here)

DeathWraith, Yautja, 15 years ago

I have no idea how you pounce, but if you just mean jump+hit then i always miss with that and/or end up on a wall that takes me ages to get off of.

But i don't know, i won with predator and alien alike, avoided playing marine...

TDN, Yautja, 15 years ago

Pounce isn't jump+hit, it's using the focus system just like the Predators. But whereas the Predators use it to jump, Aliens use it as a lunging attack (remember AVP2). To do it, go into focus mode (default shift I believe) and then press the light attack button when a circle centers around a target.

Trust me, this attack makes playing the Aliens so much better as it greatly covers distances and takes usually half an enemy's health off if hit.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 15 years ago

Oh, so the focus mode actually does something for the aliens? Lol, well i have sprint on shift, sprint+wallwalk on ctrl, and focus mode on Q, but i guess i'll combine sprint with focus mode on shift for the alien...

But from what i've seen, i think it does the same thing for the predators, i've seen preds jump at me before and didn't know how they did it. Anyway, thanks. Didn't really have time to try out all the key combinations because you know, i was busy killing stuff the simple way.

TDN, Yautja, 15 years ago

Yeah but for the Predators, it only hits if you can focus jump direct at the enemy. It can be quite easily dodged. The Alien's focus pounce however if you can lock on the an enemy and attack (which should be easy as you just need to get in close), is almost guaranteed to hit.

Hey simple way works too... if you don't mind your exoskeleton filled with lead, cause that's my experience trying to charge and meele.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 15 years ago

Well i don't really mind it as long as it does the job. I'm afraid though of trying trophy kills from the front, you know? Because i got killed at least twice and the one i was killing survived while i was doing it. I know predators sometimes do that to me and i don't die right away, i still get a chance to hit back. Any idea if that's just my imagination or if it really works like that?

delta-boy, Yautja, 15 years ago

I'm a small bit miffed about the PC version. Its a console port, to which I hope Rebellion will actually do the PC release justice.

I <3 the Marine, although the gameplay style is different. There isnt any bunny-hopping, which is an added bonus. The Pred pays fine but the Aliens transition is a bit dodge.

As for the stealth kills... Rebellion better implement a better system, as being stealth killed by a narked Xeno 10 feet away doesnt make much sense.

As I said, pre-release code, dodgy match-making, no DX-11 and massive amounts of lag, from hosts to the dreaded mouse.

I do truly hope these isssues will be cleared up. Or I will have lost all faith in Rebellion, for the final time.

Also, Steam name is: [9th] Delta

Add me!

TDN, Yautja, 15 years ago


"but the Aliens transition is a bit dodge."

Turn on auto-transition. It allows the Aliens to instantly switch surfaces without the need of the transition button. Much more fluid that way.

"as being stealth killed by a narked Xeno 10 feet away doesnt make much sense."

Strange, I've rarely been stealth-killed. And the times that it does happen the enemies are right close behind me.

"As I said, pre-release code, dodgy match-making, no DX-11 and massive amounts of lag, from hosts to the dreaded mouse."

The match-making will be fixed of course, as the game will come with dedicated servers for PC version. Same with DX-11 support, also on full game. Lag I guess can be improved but I'm playing on lower graphical settings so not that bad.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 15 years ago

No, no no no, the auto transition makes it hell to play. What they need to do is make a button for when you want to wallwalk that makes you drop off the walls when you release. Just like in AvP1 and 2.

TDN, Yautja, 15 years ago

What? I found it so much better with auto-transition on as you no longer have to hold or push any buttons to crawl on walls. This was exactly why wall-crawling was annoying in AVP2 because I hated that you have to hold a button down and as soon as you release (on purpose or accidentaly) it, you drop straight down and will probably get killed.

But if you want to drop straight down then just press the transition button without being close to another surface.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 15 years ago

I seriously haven't used wallwalking almost at all with this system, that was what i loved about the old method of wallwalking, the fluidity, i coudl jump from wall to wall and drop down as soon as i needed to, now i even get stuck on walls because the damn alien starts wallwalking without my command. I really hate it like this. I don't know about you, but in AvP1 i could finish the Alien campain in 20 minutes with the old system. With this system it would probably take me hours to finish even the first level.

But seriously, drop accidentally? How do you drop accidentally...