11 years ago
Well, it depends on what your after. like, what if you wanted more Sub-types of the xenomorph? well if it was on a colonized planet there would probably be farmers, just think of it, outbreak in a city on the planet thousands of warrior aliens plus some dog ones. then you get to the farms, tons of bull aliens, and if there are ranches, probably horse aliens. what about a zoo? gigantic elephant xenomorphs with tusks and crap, gorilla aliens, stronger than warriors but not as intelligent. plus what about non earth beasts? you see my point. I think it would be cool to see some of the kenner aliens toys as awesomeness on the big screen, same with the kenner predators, but separate films of course.
and was the marine corp the only military branch to make it this far into the future. what about the navy? would they not have space operations, that work similarly to there work on earth. just putting some ideas out there.