Alien vs Predator

avpunlimited, Undefined, 18 years ago

In physical comparison, which one is stronger physically, the alien has held onto a doorway while space was trying to suck it out, and the warrior alien held a door open when four strong marines were trying to shut it with all of their might.

The predator can beat the shit out of a very strong and trained soldier.



Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

@ AVPunlimited

How are we suppose to know that when they are F.I.C.T.I.O.N.A.L. C.H.A.R.A.C.T.E.R. ?

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FireHunter, Undefined, 18 years ago

i gots to agree with Crow,neither race has displayed their full strength,thus u can't judge them,if they had,we would have seen xenomorphs lifting yautja with their hands,or yautja snapping xenomorphs in half,a bit exaggerated,i know....


avpunlimited, Undefined, 18 years ago

The point of this thread, like many others, is to get people to share their opinions. Not to convince. A lot of science fiction is mystery,

How you perceive the mystery, might interest others.


Crow, Undefined, 18 years ago

Honestly, if your opinion is already dead set on xenomorphs being the stronger of the two, why make this topic in the first place?

The same predicament occurs here as it does with the other thread involving the original xenomorph and the warrior. We have not see the xenomorph or the yautja's full physical capacity, so there is no way to judge either one fairly.


avpunlimited, Undefined, 18 years ago

And I apologized.


Mishmuf, Undefined, 18 years ago

There's no true way to show which is stronger. We've never seen either creatures reach their lefting capacity. In fact, other than Celtic lifting the alien in the air and the predator from Predator 2 breaking through the door, we haven't seen the preds show much physical strength.

I also don't see why you bursted out at Marvick. Her post had nothing to do with the AVP alien's strength, only the predator's.

Mishmuf_02.jpg *sigh* If only I was witty enough to think of something to say here.

avpunlimited, Undefined, 18 years ago

I can't read that shit. So I have no idea what you said.


avpunlimited, Undefined, 18 years ago

I'm sorry for being mean guys, I have some problems, and they are getting to me.

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

dont blow ur top at me sunshine lmao ud think id comited some for of sinn i was meerly stating my opinion u wana start fights with ppl take it els where M8!!


avpunlimited, Undefined, 18 years ago

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

Id say that the predator is phisicly stronger than the alien. you seen in AVP Celtic seems to have apsolutly no problem throwing grid alien round like a rag dall. evan with the added strain of swinging him througha wall be it an old wall buta wall nun the less.

not to say aliens arent strong there manye times stronger thana humman as seen in aliens in the sceen where the mariens are traying to escape into there APC and a singal alien manages to hold the door open despite the best eferts of 3 marines.

so in sumary both creatursare strong enouigh to be scairy just the preds have a slight advantage in the field of brute strencth


avpunlimited, Undefined, 18 years ago

What part of physical strength do you not under stand?

Let me put it this way, which one is S.T.R.O.N.G.E.R.?

Strength: The magnitude of physical strength, often referred to as the ability of a person or animal to exert force on physical objects using muscles.

Not which one could win in a fight, but which one has more "strength"

My opinion is that aliens don't feel pain, or comfort, which allows them to use as much force as they please, without straining themselves. Their muscles are wires that are powered by their molecular acid, so the muscles won't get tired. They can use as much force as they want. A down side is that their muscles can't grow.

A predator's muscle develops like a gorilla's would, so the average teen would have 300 pounds of muscle, and an adult would have 400 pounds of muscle. So the preds can push/press about 200 pounds, but they can hurt themselves if they lift things that are to heavy.

Therefore, an alien can push/press more.

So aliens are physically stronger, than preds.


Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

Oh, come on man, how should you compare them? Predators have killed aliens and aliens have killed predators. They can beat the sh!t out of eachother and they can beat the sh!t out of any kind of human soldier... It`s almost impossible to compare them...

From the depths of the great Metal Sea we come to restore equalty...
Sorry, sorry, i will acept the punishment gladly...
Hmm... I talk too much!

avpunlimited, Undefined, 18 years ago

Oh, ok, I know what you mean Cory.

That is Stalker's opinion on aliens and predators, it doesn't make it a fact, my opinion was that aliens were stronger because they don't feel anything, and they can't injure their muscles from lifting too much. So they lift something with as much force as is needed to lift it. The could probably tear a reinforced titanium nitride door apart.


Stalker, Undefined, 18 years ago

As far as comparing a predator to an average adult alien, such as a drone or warrior, it would be a fairly close call strength wise, but I'd say that the predator would take it overall. In AVP, Scar actually had the strength to pull the Queen backwards & off balance using one of the chains that was connected to her restraints, & we all clearly saw how Celtic physically decimated Grid using brute force alone. Aliens are also very physically powerful creatures as well though, & more than capable of tossing a predator around like a rag doll should they get the chance.


avpunlimited, Undefined, 18 years ago

Everyone remember that the aliens from AVP were weaker designs than the ones from the first two movies. The aliens from AVP were a lot weaker than the preds, but the aliens from Alien and Aliens were a lot stronger than the preds.

If a 300 pound predator didn't need to breathe, than he still couldn't hold on to a doorway while space was trying to suck him out. His arms would get ripped off.


Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

however phisickly strong ither race is the humans will alwaytswin cose in all of the movies there portraid as the good guysand hte good guys always winn


caboose3456, Undefined, 18 years ago

nobody likes the newborn


Do you believe in love like I believe in pain, Nobody died for you,Nobody prayed for me

-Bloo-, Undefined, 18 years ago

But there's one thing wrong with that. If the Newborn killed the Queen, I don't think it would hesitate to kill the regular Alien type aswell.


"To me, everyone is crazy. The ones in the mental house got caught."

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

The newborn could do it. Yea, yea, yea, i know, i`all hate the newborn, but i think a newborn would be as strong compared to the predator as the predator compared to Arnold. Good thing it`s dead, it would make things too easy for the aliens and the mivies wouldn`t be any good anymore.

From the depths of the great Metal Sea we come to restore equalty...
Sorry, sorry, i will acept the punishment gladly...
Hmm... I talk too much!