MrXeno, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

Wow if we ever get anime of Aliens versus Predator, we'll probably get hentai out of it sooner or later too!

The-Wolf, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

Deathdrop, I wasn't talking about basing it on the video game God of War, I meant have the show itself look like the movie sequences from games like God of War and the opening movie of Mortal Kombat Deception. Or all together, they could just take the AvP pc games and make episodes from them.

I still wouldn't aprove of it though, I'd much rather them keep it to the great movies we have. Not including AvP.

predator428, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

Anime artists have never undressed a woman in their life so they draw their bodies like they think they should look like. Maybe anime used to be a classic artform but today it is just crappy tv shows desgined to atrract ten year old kids. I think we learned what happens when avp is directed at younger audiences. A tv show with real actors or CGI might work but I think it is best that we never see one.

Deathdrop, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

I know you weren't, Cory. But when you mentioned God of War, my mind was already on AvP, and the image of Kratos as a Pred was too awesome for me not to share.

Anyway: I hate to beat a dead horse, but I still don't understand why it has to be animie. Why not just have the writers from those shows?

Karo, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

It could be interesting assuming they didn't do it cheaply. Something like that seems like it would either be really good or really stupid.

FireHunter, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

whoa, i can think of a Kratos Predator, maths sum:
Kratos + Predator = CHAIN WRISTBLADES?!

xenotaris, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

That would be cool a Predator with a Chain Wristblade.

-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

Uh, Mr. Xeno, about that... I'd put up a link of AVP hentai that the guys over at other forums have 'come across by accident' but I'd probably get banned for life. Just the thought of it makes the Newborn look awesome, which is saying something.

I don't like anime'. If I ever see a Predator's wrist nuke emitt strange beams of light that rotate slowly before creating a bad effect then I might as well just draw thirty Naruto fan arts of a Predator village guy and say it's totally AVP-like and awesome...

Lone_Hunter2, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

DIDN'T I TELL YOU THAT WOULD HAPPEN IF SOME SICKO ANIME DRAWER GET HIS HANDS ON IT? ITS DISGUSTING NO ANIME. unless its just normal cartoon like with some blood and gore,good story line and it's not to cheesy... if you know what I mean...

DBHxV10L3NT249R, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

personally i think it would make a great show if they kept on a serious note like the 1st ghost in the shell movie and any chicks that were in it looked realistic and didnt act like fucking 12 yr olds kinda shit i mean what if they turned the whole Machiko series and added to it like inbetween the comics avp prey - avp war - avp hunters planet - avp three world war(im pretty sure thats how it goes if im wrong nunters plannet are war should be the other way around)

Peterson, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

There's no reason to be posting in a 7 year old topic.