Anyone Please Read!

AvP_Rookie, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

Hey! Im new at the game and was wondering if anyone could help me become better. I mean i pretty much have the basic stuff down, im just a little rusty. Plus im a fast learner, so if anyone can help me please reply. Online name is Young_Gunna_Jr. Thanks!

Gaunt, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

Ok Young_Gunna_Jr. first thing you can think about is your character and what species you want to be in this game.

You can go over each species by editing your profile, hit the 'edit profile' button, right above log out.


Sorry, forgot to mention, have you read the site rules?

AvP_Rookie, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

Ok, but thats the hard part idk what character i want to be.

Gaunt, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

Well you don't have to make a decision straight away, have a good look around, find out about the clans of the site and explore your profile, even research a bit.

Any of the species that you think are really badass?

concretehunter, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

And it all depends on what style you want to play. Predators are very stealthy, Aliens are very brutal and humans are... well humans!

Gaunt, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

Well that's is one way of seeing it, but that the steriotypical norm for each species.

It all comes down to your own personal style, if you want to be a Marine who's a stealth expert, or a Predator that charges head first into an entire group go for it.

I'm using an overgrown chestburster that either bursts from your insides or takes you down slowly with its tail and fangs. Play around, you don't have to follow an example.

AvP_Rookie, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

Well i have always loved Predators, but i like the Marines because they seem like the underdogs. But i like the Xenomorphs because they are fast.

Gaunt, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

Well which ever choice you make, it will be a good one. Each species have their own advantages and disadvantages, but hey, all's fair in war, they sort of complement each other and balance out in a way.

Take your time, look around, play around, you'll know what you want to do soon.

AvP_Rookie, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

Alright man thanks a lot for your help!

Iseijin, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

I went Xenomorph and I never went back. Xenomorphs tend to give a lot of artistic freedom because they're so versatile and maleable, you can make them decently all-around or have them specialize in something; big or small, bulky or lithe, bipedal or quadruped - anything goes!

Though, admitedly, I've been having a hankering for Yautja lately. I'm drawing concepts and I can't stop!

Gaunt, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

I try.

If you need to ask any questions on this site don't hesitate to ask, most people can give good answers and advice.

Have fun :)

AvP_Rookie, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

Alright sounds good!
and for clans how do you join, do you have to try out against other people?

Iseijin, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

Generally there's no greater requirement to join a clan than to ask; each clan tends to have their own requisite.

Though would be interest to loosely implement some sort of challenge for potential clan members that could encourage RP. For example, if a Predator wants to join a clan he/she would be given a challenge by the clan's Leader that will be put up as a private RPG - anything from a bug hunt to a fight from the Leader or one of the clan members themselves! Humans could go through some sort of training requisite, and Xenomorphs would require some more thought of process because they are not sentient enough to have requisites other than just be born in the hive.

Not only would this encourage RPGs during 'downtimes', but it's a good chance for new members to introduce themselves - more so their characters - and practice their RP writing skills.

AvP_Rookie, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

ok thanks, i seem to be leaning to the predators or xenomorphs. Also what does RPG stand for?

Iseijin, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

RPG stands for Role Playing Game. It's an exchange of posts done in a certain manner in which two or more participants create an interactive story with their characters.

We have a variety here. Each clan has their own RPG sections, and we have public ones as well in the 'RPG Topics', though we mostly are eager for the forum-wide RPGs whereas as many as dozens of people or more have been known to participate at a time.

badapple24, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

Well I personnaly go for xenos because if the facehugger gets on anything other than humans it almost always creates a new spieses. So take this example

Predator + alien = The predalien

but thats just me you can explore even rp with each spieces to see wicth one you like best. thats an idea

kingalien387, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

but i still do not know how to get in a clan

-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

I've always been on the Xenomorph side. Not that I hate the other species - I like the idea of the predators and the humans can be much stronger than most give them credit for - but there's a unique, bizarre horror to the aliens that's had me attracted to the idea of them for a long time. I knew which species to choose the minute I joined and haven't looked back since.

That's just me though. What everyone else has said can be absolutely true, but it's your call. Don't let anyone make your final decision for you - stay for a while and think about it.

And you can switch species if you find that your first pick isn't you. But, for the most part, "clan hopping" is frowned upon. However, when you switch for completely honest reasons, no one can blame you for that.

AvP_Rookie, Xenomorph, 13 years ago

Thanks man i went with the Aliens, they just hold my type of gameplay that i love!