So in Alien Ressurection............

Unknown, Undefined, 20 years ago

So in Alien Resurrection the new born was a mixture between what exactly??

Unknown, Undefined, 20 years ago

ohhhhh so the chestburster that they took from ripley's chest was a queen chestburster and since it the host (ripley) was a human the queen inherites a human reproductive system. Well then wouldn't all queens have a human reproductive system because aren't all queen hosts human?


AVPFREAK, Undefined, 20 years ago

it was a mixture between alien and ripley DNA. see, the queen was crossed with human DNA, so it got a human reproductive system.

In this war, their shall never be a clear winner. It will go on as long as our universe exists.

Unknown, Undefined, 20 years ago

I thought the third was alright too but I hated when the spinosarus killed the T-Rex because for 1. spinosarus weren't even half the size of t-rexes and 2. no dinosaur other than the raptors would use its arm to snap necks.


Xenomorphose, Undefined, 20 years ago

It was a Praetorian.


AVPFREAK, Undefined, 20 years ago

it was weird but okay. the only things i really liked about it was the effects and velociraptors. it wasn't nearly as good as the first two though.

In this war, their shall never be a clear winner. It will go on as long as our universe exists.

Unknown, Undefined, 20 years ago

PLease tell me you also thought the third JP was ridiculous


Unknown, Undefined, 20 years ago

no but I have heard it is much better


AVPFREAK, Undefined, 20 years ago

ok man cool to meet another jurassic fan. hav u read the book?

In this war, their shall never be a clear winner. It will go on as long as our universe exists.

Unknown, Undefined, 20 years ago

yes I get that part but why does the queen have an human reproductive system and how did the human and alien dna get mixed together???


AVPFREAK, Undefined, 20 years ago

when they cloned ripley, they messed up. the genes were mixed giving the alien warriors human-like traits and ripley keen senses and acid blood. also, the grotesque clones looked like half human half alien. the queen's DNA just had a larger than normal human DNA count. she was normal for a while, but then she grew a human reproductive system because of the abnormal genes and gave birth to an alien with more human DNA.

for more info go to and click on queen and newborn info.

In this war, their shall never be a clear winner. It will go on as long as our universe exists.

Unknown, Undefined, 20 years ago

thanks much AVPfreak. by the way read that you are a fan of Jurassic Park and I have been a fan since I was 5. If ya ever want to discuss about JP just give me a holla :)


AVPFREAK, Undefined, 20 years ago

no, see during the cloning, human and alien DNA was mixed up. Hence the mutated ripley clones 1-7 and ripley having acid blood.

In this war, their shall never be a clear winner. It will go on as long as our universe exists.

Scar_Predator, Undefined, 20 years ago

Well,all the alien movies that i watched i ever remember.I only remember predator movies becuase
I watch predator,predator2 and avp.I still have the alien CD but i forgot the story.In Jurassic Park1 things went wrong becuase of this fat guy he wanted to steal the dinosaurs DNA but he died
by a dinosaur who wanted to eater him.In Jurassic Park:The Lost World,all the dinosaurs were all in the weird they wanted to looked for a woman name.............then at night they found a baby tyrannosaurs and brought it to their place.Mean while the mother and father tyrannosaurs rexs went looking for their baby by smelling.after they reach to the car they saw their baby and........................... .
and then again Jurassic Park 3 a new dinosaurs was created the name was Spinosaurs.Its was more powerful then any meat blad blad blad i talk to mush ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Deathdrop, Undefined, 20 years ago

Ok, this is how I feel about the JP movies: 3rd one was an insult to the franchise. 2nd was Ok. First is without a doubt the best. If they go through with the idea of giving the dinosaurs guns in the 4th, I will break down crying. Ok, fine, not really. But it is still a stupid idea. least in my opinion.

Everyone is insane. The ones in the nuthouse just got caught.

daveberg, Undefined, 20 years ago

ggggrrrrrrrr. no such thing as a praetorian....ggggggrrrrrrrr these things only exist in the world of the alien games. - the queen does not 'morph' from drone to big momma.
sorry guys but you all know how i feel when theories from the games are brought into play. ggggggggrrrrrrrrr!!!


Unknown, Undefined, 20 years ago

The game made that up? SO then how do u get a queen if it doesnt morph into a preatorien first?


AVPFREAK, Undefined, 20 years ago

a super facehugger impregnates someone witb a queen embryo.

In this war, their shall never be a clear winner. It will go on as long as our universe exists.

Unknown, Undefined, 20 years ago

where does the super face hugger come from


Unknown, Undefined, 20 years ago

There will be a JP4, AVP 2, and Godzilla 2, before this decade is done. Also a Metorid Movie for Next Year

James C. Dominguez (Denver, Colorado)

daveberg, Undefined, 20 years ago

the supper face hugger is born from an egg that can be layed by a DRONE. yes a drone. this is the explanation from the directors cut of alien where you see brett almost metamorphasised into an alien egg. this was due to a dna strand induced into his body via the alien tail, it restructures the whole pattern of the human biological form and changes the life form into an egg which bears the super face hugger. queens dont morph into anything, watch the movies, the queens 'birth' from the host shows she already has the royal crown in place, she grows just like the other alien at an increased rate due to over exageratted metabolism, shes a queen at birth to adult hood. drones do not morph into queens. oh, for another point, someone stated that aliens cannot survive without a queen, this is in fact not true, how do you account for the drone in the nostromo, the drone in alien 3? ALL aliens have the ability to produce 1 egg, this through the explanation i gave above, having researched this (yes i have a lot of spare time, its sad) i've come to agree with this thesis as its a well documented one on most of the comprahensive alien sites on the net.
