16 years ago
I really hope Aliens: Colonial marines won't be canceled other wise I will be hugly disappointed, No point in saying your making and going to release a game then cancel it, So many people will be disappointed, Me and my friends are looking forward to buy it and go through the 4 player co op together to experiece the game together, Yet with all the delayes they are having they better make the wait worth it other wise I will be very unhappy with them and refuse to buy any games that they make from now on, Cause it's an Aliens game so if they don't deliver on that then that just ruins there reputation for me big time but they should deliver, They have had plenty of time but still, If they can't produce the goods then they should'nt of taken on such a big challenge, Yet as long as it is as good as Left4dead as it looks very similar then I will be happy as Left4dead is a simple game yet it can be addictive, All I really hope is that the game has a bit of diversity compaired to Left4dead as Left4dead is very repetative, Always the same route again and again, Hopefully they will put 2 or 3 routes maybe 4 in it to mix it up and have some clever tricks like hacking doors and cutting them open to get through certain routes so if you lose the guy with the hacking device that's one route cut off and if you lose the guy with the welder/cutter then you only have one option left which is to go through the one of the open routes but it's the longest and most dangerous routes, Now that would be fun, Cause I know it's about team work but it's still fun to split up and do your own thing now and again and even then there will probly be 2 teams of 2 so your still in a team, That's the one thing that bugged me about Left4dead, Split up = Dead, So I'm hoping they are at least going to put that in cause it opens so much more tactical play just by putting a few routes in and that would make me so happy, Tactical = Fun.
I just love the thought of going down one of the routes and getting attacked by so many aliens you have to fall back and try to take another route because you just don't have the fire power to keep them back so you back up and try to find another way round but oh no, The door is locked or welded shut by past survivors trying to hold out in a random room or something so you have to get someone to by-pass the door or cut it which means less fire power again so the aliens keep pushing forward so your all like "AHHHHH" "COME ON" " HURRY UP" making the game so intence your out of your seat shouting "HURRY THE F**K UP" and screaming cause the aliens are getting so close and you really don't want to die cause everyone wants to try and get through the game with out dying, Cause we all know people like to pretend the char they are playing is them so of coures you want to stay alive.
So you all rush through the door and survive, Your all like "Hell ye" and like "Haha no way" makes you feel like you have accomplished a task, Yet, The game is'nt even over yet. Lol. That's what I want, Really could'nt care much abour graphics, They could have the old AVP graphics for all I care, As long as the game play is diverse and intresting with some good features like operating doors that you can manipulate and stuff, That's what I look forward to seeing, The old games had operating doors so I don't see why you can.nt put that in and add some simple features to the game like hacking, Welding/Cutting and circuit repair on doors just to add something diffrent, It all adds to the game play and it ain't hard, That, Along with all this next gen gaming stuff would add up to one hell of a game I think, But anyways, With AVP.
I really can't wait for it, Coming out so soon after anouncement to which is odd, Still waiting for Starcraft 2 to come out and god knows how long ago that was anounced. Can't wait though, Loved all the AVP games, Even Extintion and that was'nt that great for an RTS, Being made by the original people who made the AVP game to so they should know what there doing so hopfully we wont be disappointed.
*Few* Long post. XD