My Christmas list.
A puppy(you haven't delivered for seventeen years on this one, fat bastard.)
A castle, preferably in Scotland.
All the HOT and DISEASELESS hookers you can get me(minimum of one).
A spacecraft to return to my homeworld with.
Hardcore porn as performed by Double DD and Big Bloo.
A crusaders great helm.
My blaster, the filthy humans took it.
Three quarts of cyanide.
Dildos anonymous, for a friend.
Rabbits, lots of rabbits for my spawn, they hunger.
A smart car, preferably a Decepticon.
An axe of great power, and the frog for it, you thought I'd forget so you could skip it, didn't you you cheap bastard.
A large cardboard box.
A mountain range.
A dinosaur.
That concludes my list at this time....