11 years ago
Well as I sit here can there truly be peace in this world in the galaxy in this forum
the answer must be no,billions are always locked in some sort of conflict with each other
,victims and accusers in this life and many more in the next so why ask for harmony in this forum
in this LIFE!!!!...If you ask me everybody should have a baby duck, baby ducks are the future they are our saviors if it weren't for them then who created cuteness in this existences that brings people,animals,fishes,and any other organism out there together to form a common interest and don't you dare say a puppy or a kitten or a baby bird or a chick or a human baby or a gold fish or a baby lion or a baby cub or a doe or a baby wolf or a baby snake or any other kind of infant being in this dimension because all these and more except baby duck are damn ugly.