Scar then saw a Bad Blood named Xeno-Hunter and discussing a Blooded Yautaja something on the roof of the farmer's house who Xeno-Hunter killed and told Twanganator to be stealthy and attack the Bad Blood.
As Twanganator snuck up on Xeno-Hunter Scar snuck up on the Blooded Yuataja and chopped of his legs with his razor sharp tail and dragged the Yuataja who was starting to pass out to the Hive. And to make sure the Yutaja would not blow up their hive or kill him his disabled his wrist devices with his acid saliva and stabbed his shoulder cannons making him almost completely defenceless.
As Scar dragged the almost dead Yutaja to the Hive he called for a drone to seal his wounds so he did not die and a unnamed drone did come and seled them off, also helping Scar bring the Yutaja to the strange egg.
After it was seated in front of the egg Scar asked the drone to leave and removed the Yutaja's mask, almost smiling at the soon defeat of the helpless Yutaja.