*the alpha alien began to scale down through the broken floors, behind him the queen tore through the roofing and followed him, the building was falling apart, daveberg needed to escort the queen to their make shift HIVE that was being created under the buildin where the battles took place. the queen, almost 25 feet in height slammed into the walls, breaking the place apart with her huge size, trailing her was her tail which had something wrapped in it - it was the fallen warrior deathdrop, who amazingly, was still concious....
4th floor, and daveberg bounded forward looking to decend to the next floor when he was alerted by a huge shrieking sound - he turned and looked up to see acid puring from the queens mouth, deathdrop had given his last attack!! in his hand, a bloodied ceromonial dagger which he had sliced off the queens second jaw with, then stabbed her in the skull. deathdrops eyes closed....
daveberg hissed with distain and crawled up to the hunter, his jaws once again reeled back and prepared to slam through the predators skull when....
CRUNCH!!!! something tore out of deathdrops chest, something different though, it wasnt a brood memeber daveberg was used to seeing, the predalien flew out and pounced on the wounded skull of the queen and ripped into it rupturing her bio-electrical cortex, with one last scream, the massive xenomorph toppled and crashed through the weakened buildin floors to the bottom, dead.
the alpha alien, in a blinding fit of rage followed the queen down to the bottom floor, but, the new born hybrid child of deathdrop was no-where to be seen, the queen was dead, daveberg, sullenly foud the small opening he needed and went under ground to what would now be, home.*
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