12 years ago
OOC: I will first apologize myself for the lateness of my post, it appears we are both busy with schedules, none the less, I'll take the time to post and respond as frequently as I can.
To another point, I wanted to clarify, the main idea of this RP, is it intended as team based survival?
If so, are there any defined threats or conditions to the Planet we're on (i.e. severe temperatures/weather, it's already been described as a lifeless, dead aired planet, so I'm taking assumptions here, such as arid dessert, dust and desolation was the idea?).
Though the shock had been enough to concuss, maim, even destroy other organic and synthetic lifeforms, Gaunt wasn't an ordinary life form, functioning with minor shattering and fragmentation of his exo-skeletal structure, the unknown life support organs of his form already worked away to rebuild and re-nurture the body, the mouth took in sustenance from the crushed cage that had so recently been inhibited.
As resin degraded in his form, the lost nutrients slowly replenishing his body, Gaunt acknowledged his Brother, the one who had helped him free of the crumpled metallic prison, the Chestburster thanked the Drone with a quick mandated repair cycle, scaling his worm like body over the larger Xenomorph, excreting soft layers of resinous tissue into each of Brother Tawganator's wounds, the symbiotic bio secretion helping to reset and regenerate lost tissue.
Observing the landscape briefly, it wasn't really clear what this planet held, the barren lack of any real air in his senses was worrying, it made the idea of any colonials or corporate investment and involvement seem slip, further more, his synaptic link to The Hive seemed horribly distant, the only pillion to his sanity being the Brother Drone besides him, who was the closest conduit to The Hive for what seemed to be light years, his mind screaming to the prospects of being cut off for years again once more, laughing as the toll seemed less severe.
Finishing the assimilation of their wrecked hibernation node beds, Gaunt moved like a slow, sturdy hulk of a maggot, slithering along for easy locomotion, taking a stop besides Brother Tawganator as they faced the horizon, his tongue clicking and stretching in the humid air as they communed through their thoughts in the close proximal Hive synapse that bonded them since birth, Gaunt talking to Taw about their next steps, the two Xeno's standing almost motionless, like statues, until they reached a consensus for their next move, and survival in the Universe.