Sparring Chamber: Free Chat

Kidd, Human, 16 years ago

Yea, yea, yea, I know there is a freakin' Free Chat on the Main Board, but I say we need one here too, just for us fighters.
If they don't agree, then, I don't know. I just figured that we need one here because this sort of Sub-Forum is filled with members with the same intrests, you know?

cleticyautja, Human, 16 years ago

yh finaly i can say something random(saying random things block)

Kidd, Human, 16 years ago

Yea, sort of. Oh well, it may be a good idea, but I still have my doubts, but hey, if people start flaming one another in here, they can settle their dispute in a fight, hoo-rah?

cleticyautja, Human, 16 years ago

I HATE TELETUBIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Kidd, Human, 16 years ago

So Cletic, what are you up to?

cleticyautja, Human, 16 years ago

Nothing why?im just being random because im bored(dont tell me u like teletubies)

Jaxon, Human, 16 years ago

cletic its jaxon you still want to fight me

StoneHeart, Human, 16 years ago

Hello All, I have graced you with my presence, bow before my awesome power(plays the ominous music)

outcast, Human, 16 years ago

No i will never bow to you. FOR I AM OUTCAST, AND I HAVE CREATED THE ONE RING TO RULE THEM ALL!!!!!( end of the world music starts playing)

cleticyautja, Human, 16 years ago

(sigh)oh nevermind oh and jaxon im ready for your fight just next time post it in the THE START so it'll be official.

my back hurts!!

Kidd, Human, 16 years ago

Eh? Most likely it appears that I am the ultimate baddass. Three wins and one draw so far.

outcast, Human, 16 years ago

You are, but i still have THE ONE RING TO RULE THEM ALL!!!!!

Oh, and u still never finished Gaunt off Kidd!!!!!!

I LIKE !!!!!!!!

Gaunt, Human, 16 years ago

I dont plan to die so easily you know, I may be a chestburster, But that wont stop me from kicking your asses. MWHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! (Insert evil laughter music here)


cleticyautja, Human, 16 years ago

WHO CARES ABOUT THE ONE should all bow down to shut up and kneel!!!!!! and gaunt they probaly throw you or kick u because a chestbuater is small.

Want a challege?

shadowatching, Human, 16 years ago

-ponders- So the men come out of the wood work. Wonder who is doing who?

Muwahahahahaha -evil scary laughter-

cleticyautja, Human, 16 years ago

right i didnt understand any off that.

crap i cant go to sleep.


Kidd, Human, 16 years ago

Ok people, politics and religion are subjects that should not be discussed. Why? They can lead to arguments and conflicts between two people or more. Those topics is the number one, no-noes, hoo-rah?

cleticyautja, Human, 16 years ago

yh ok.
do teletubies count as people.?

shadowatching, Human, 16 years ago

"My momma told me telletubbies are the devil"


I don't mind any chat, just don't want it to be an all out war of who is right and who is wrong.

What is your favorite movie of all time?

cleticyautja, Human, 16 years ago

Well im not sure i've watched so many movies.

Who wants o see the teletubies get killed.

oh and can some one make a fight between me and jaxon.

shadowatching, Human, 16 years ago

Did he agree to it?